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The language of the novel is distinct and vivid, and especially the color words, of which the ABB style words are used most strikingly in large quantities, and have distinguishing features because the authoress employed a visual angle of a little girl and

The language of eternal question. “是永恒的疑问。”
The language of eternal questions. “是永恒的疑问。”
The language of eternal silence. “是永恒的沉默。”
The language of friendship is not words but meanings. 友谊的表达方式是只可意会,不可言传的。
The language of the Great Central Sun is beyond the Language of Light that our channel has brought forth. 大中枢太阳的语言超越了我们通灵管道所带来的光之语。
The language of the novel is distinct and vivid, and especially the color words, of which the ABB style words are used most strikingly in large quantities, and have distinguishing features because the authoress employed a visual angle of a little girl and 这些词语因作者使用小女孩视角,并具备一定的绘画知识与技能及表达的需要而呈现出使用数量多、个性特色鲜明与BB后缀选择精确等特点。
The language of the poem is colloquial, yet it is deep in its understanding of human emotions. 诗的语言虽然很通俗,但对人的感情的揭示却有深度。
The language or cant of thieves, tramps, or underworld figures. 盗贼的黑话小偷、流浪汉或黑社会的人使用的语言或黑话
The language should make it possible to equip a class and its features with assertions (preconditions, postconditions and invariants), relying on tools to produce documentation out of these assertions and, optionally, monitor them at run time. 语言应该尽可能的运用类和它的断言特性(预处理,后处理和不变量),同时依赖于工具从这些断言中产生文档,而且在运行时候可任意的监控它们.
The language should make safe automatic memory management possible, and the implementation should provide an automatic memory manager taking care of garbage collection. 语言应该使安全的自动内存管理成为可能,并且其实现应该提供一个自动的内存管理器来掌管垃圾收集.
The language utilization in the female Ciof the Song Dynasty plays a noticeable rule. 摘要语言的运用在宋代女性的词作中起着不可忽视的作用。

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