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Since 2004, the notional value of interest rate, equity and credit derivatives has risen 44 percent, to $283.2 trillion, according to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association.

Since 2003, supervision departments of every level have cooperated with environmental protection organs and effectively solved outstanding problems, including the pollution of coke enterprises and industrial pollution from electrolytic manganese. 自03年起,各级监察部门与环保机构合作,有效地解决了一系列突出问题,包括焦炭企业的污染问题及电解锰的工业污染问题。
Since 2004 it has ripped through Asian poultry farms, and had a 70% mortality rate in the first 70 people it is known to have infected. 从2004年它开始从亚洲的禽养殖场爆发,并且在最先报道感染的的70人中有70%的死亡率。
Since 2004 the customs duty decline, the import foreign wine oncoming force fierceness, the more and more many foreign wine brand is entering the domestic market. 自2004年关税下调后,进口洋酒来势凶猛,越来越多的洋酒品牌在进入国内市场。
Since 2004, 61 people in Indonesia have died from bird flu, the highest tally in the world. 自2004年以来,印尼已经有61人死于禽流感,居世界首位。
Since 2004, China has implemented a minimum price system for buying grain to ensure stable grain production and safeguard farmer's interests. 为了稳定小麦产量和保护农民利益,从2004年起中国开始实施以保护价收购粮食。
Since 2004, the notional value of interest rate, equity and credit derivatives has risen 44 percent, to $283.2 trillion, according to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association. 根据国际掉期和金融衍生品可知,从2004年以来,利率的名义价值、股票和信贷已经上升了44个百分点,达到283.2万亿(2,832,000,000,000美元)。
Since 2004, with the strength of subsidise to the farm tools and machinaery of China, the policy effect is gradually apparent. Analysing the problem is with practical significance. 摘要2004年以来,随着我国对农机具购置补贴力度的加大,其政策效应逐渐凸现出来。分析我国农机具购置补贴这一政策,有着极其重要的现实意义。
Since 2005, more than 4,000 people in Mongolia have benefited from dental examinations and cervical cancer screenings sponsored by Rotary clubs in East Asia. 自从2005年以来,蒙古有4千位以上的居民业已由东亚扶轮社所赞助之牙科检验与子宫颈癌筛检两项医疗计画那儿获益。
Since 2006, the People's Bank has synthesized the utilization many kinds of monetary policy tool to recycle the bank system unnecessary fluidity vigorously, obtains certain result. 2006年以来,人民银行综合运用多种货币政策工具大力回收银行体系多余流动性,取得一定成效。
Since 2007, study in the law postgraduate courses in China University of Political Science and Law. 2007年在中国政法大学法律研究生课程班进修。
Since 20th century 70 years, in Hebei plain ,along with the rapid development of industry and agriculture, and the city build expedited, the groundwater resource be cosmically empoldered by People, bring on the condition of recharge and flowthrouth and dr 摘要河北平原自上世纪七十年代以来,随着工农业迅速发展及城市化进程的加快,人们开始大规模开发利用地下水资源,造成河北平原地下水补给、径流、排泄条件发生改变,从而引起地下水水化学特征发生一系列演化。

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