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And then there are seedless fruits like navel oranges and seedless watermelons.

And then the notion of what constitutes women's work became more narrowly cast. 于是,关于女性工作角色的观念,也就变得益加狭隘。
And then the product platform is realized based on the modularized product family by synthetically considering above two layers' interface relations. 综合考虑两种层次的界面关联分析,在实现产品族模块化的基础上确定了核心平台。
And then the questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data. 调查实施以二技、四技二专及高中职教师和学生为对象,抽取样本共4492人。
And then the real fun starts! 然后好戏还在后头!
And then the wheel of life and death is finished for her. 于是,生和死的轮子为她而结束。
And then there are seedless fruits like navel oranges and seedless watermelons. 而且有许多的无核水果,比如脐橙,无核西瓜。
And then there are the chickens themselves. 还有就是这些鸡。
And then there are the rising powers—which are more likely to hail from Africa than Asia. 同时,那里也有越来越强大的力量—非洲看起来要比亚洲快很多。
And then there are the tackles from behind I've seen go unpunished and the violent conduct that has escaped sanction, not to mention the serious errors made in applying the rules. 我也看到有背后压人未被判罚,以及暴力侵犯逃过红牌的,更别提应用规则方面的错误了。
And then there are those people who think we've got the dating all wrong and will be wishing her a happy 15th or a happy 16th... *goes cross-eyed*. 然后还有那些以为我们把生日都算错了,想祝她15岁或者16岁生日快乐的人……看到这些眼睛都会对起来呢。
And then there are time we just want to spare ourselves embarrassment. 有时我们只是不想自己困窘难堪。

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