Critics of graffiti claim that its associations with urban decay and gang related crime cause it to make urban areas look poor and dangerous.
对涂鸦持批评态度的人宣称,它与都市衰败现象和相关帮派犯罪活动有联系,从而使都市地区看起来贫穷而又危险。 |
Critics of the long-debated project say the memorial should be for all victims of the Third Reich, not only Jews. But the designer disagrees.
一些批评家认为,该纪念碑群应当为被纳粹屠杀的所有死难者建立,而不只是其中的犹太人。但设计师并不同意这种看法。 |
Critics of the plan fear that France will reduce its output, only to find that other nations fail to follow suit.
批评这项计画的人担心法国减产后,却发现其他国家并未跟进。 |
Critics of the reclassification program say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other U.S. spy agencies are the driving force behind the move to reclassify the documents.
历史学者们说,从那时起,有接近10000份档案,总共超过55000页的资料,被重新分类,并从公众的视线中消失。 |
Critics point to the continuing instability of the company.
评论家们强调公司的形势继续不稳。 |
Critics point to the rising number of part-time jobs, saying new employees lack the security that would allow them to resist pressure to overwork.
批评人士认为这一问题的主要原因在于兼职的不断增多,称新雇员由于缺乏安全感,不得不去加班。 |
Critics really slapped the play around.
剧评家们把那个剧本简直批评得体无完肤。 |
Critics said Perfect Bride was both insulting to womenandshowed Italian TV -- already packed with other reality formatssuchas Big Brother and Celebrity Island -- falling to new depthsofbanality.
评论说《完美新娘》是对女人和意大利电视台的侮辱。它与其他一些正播出的真人秀节目如《老大哥》和《名人岛》的形式如出一辙,只是更加庸俗了。 |
Critics said the technology used in Star Wars undermined fundamental principles of acting.
批评家说星战中使用的高科技技术破坏了最基本的表演原则。 |
Critics say it will harm Tibet's environment by opening its timber and mineral resources to further exploitation.
批评人士说,这条铁路将由于对木材和矿产的更多开发而破坏西藏的环境。 |
Critics say professor should have recognized the copying and put a stop to it.
评论家认为教授应有的认出复制予以制止。 |