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False – Detoxification occurs at a fixed rate and is unaffected by rate of consumption.

False with one can be false with two. 对一个人虚假,也会对两个人虚假。
False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not. 11凶恶的见证人起来,盘问我所不知道的事。
False – BAC rises lower and peaks at a lower point when alcohol is consumed with a meal. 错:当酒精与食物一起进入体内时,人体血液酒精浓度升高的速度较低,并且峰值较低。
False – BAC usually peaks 15 – 30 minutes after a person stops drinking. 错:血液酒精含量的峰值在停止饮酒之后通常可以持续15-30分钟。
False – Beer and wine have a more moderate impact on the physiology than do distilled spirits. 错:啤酒和葡萄酒对人体的影响比蒸馏酒轻。
False – Detoxification occurs at a fixed rate and is unaffected by rate of consumption. 错:人体解毒酒精的功能是有固定速率的,并不受饮酒速度的影响。
False – Tall mixed drinks are more highly diluted and therefore lower in alcohol potency. 错:混合饮料由于被稀释,因此酒精的浓度更低。
False – The alcohol in beer and wine is naturally buffered and has a more moderate impact on BAC. 错:啤酒和葡萄酒中的酒精比较缓和,对人体的血液酒精含量的印象较轻。
False – The bartender should not prepare the second drink until that person's age or sobriety is established. 错:调酒师只有在确定了顾客的年龄和清醒状况后才能制作第二份酒水。
False – The liver detoxifies alcohol at an approximate rate of one ounce per hour. 错:肝的解毒能力大约是一小时一盎司。
False – rate of consumption has a significant impact on absorption rate. 错:消费节奏对血液吸收酒精的速度非常重要。

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