Although not universal, a vertical head nod for approval and a lateral headshake for negation is a common pattern across many cultures.
在许多文化中,人们上下点头表示同意,左右摇头表示否定,尽管不是所有文化都遵循这个模式。 |
Although nuts are a high? fat food, they are an excellent source of fiber, zinc and iron, plus the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium.
尽管坚果中脂肪含量高,但它们含有丰富的纤维、锌和铁以及抗氧化剂维生素E和硒。 |
Although of great interest, the exact significance of airway remodelling measurements gained through such indirect techniques is uncertain and further research is needed.
上述对于气道重构的间接检测技术虽然引起了研究者广泛的兴趣,但由这些技术测定出的气道重构对临床的确切意义还没有确定,这还需要进一步的研究。 |
Although off-pump surgery may not be suitable for every situation (it was not in my case), it may be an option for some patients who cannot tolerate the stress of the heart-lung machine.
虽然无帮浦手术不见得适用所有状况(像我就是一例),但对某些没法承受心肺机的病患而言,也许是另一种选择。 |
Although often extensive, it was only discovered with the advent of electron microscopy.
内质网分布很广泛,但由于十分微小,所以当电子显微镜发明后人们才能够的看到它的存在。 |
Although old, she is very much alive.
虽然老了,她还是万般生龙活虎。 |
Although only Hawaii and Utah still have outright bans on gambling, Mr Furlong says about 10-20 per cent of American politicians, often egged on by Christian conservative groups, are virulently opposed.
尽管只有夏威夷和犹他州仍完全禁止赌博,但弗朗先生说,约有10%至20%的美国政客常在基督教保守团体的怂恿下仇视赌博。 |
Although only a draw is required to ensure they progress to the knockout stage of the UEFA Champions League, FC Porto coach Jesualdo Ferreira expects his side to go all out for victory when Arsenal FC travel to Portugal in the concluding round of Group G
尽管只需一场平局就可以确保他们晋级冠军联赛淘汰赛阶段,但对远道而来葡萄牙参加G足小组赛的对手阿森那,波尔图俱乐部主帅费雷拉仍然希望他的队伍全力以赴去争胜。 |
Although only a few contemporary Buddhist thinkers still go so far as to suggest that this doctrine be scrapped as unscientific,another opinion has been gaining ground to the effect that whether or not rebirth itself be a fact, the doctrine of rebirth has
尽管当代佛教思想家中只有很少几位仍走得过远,建议把这个学说作为“非科学”予以废弃,然而另一种观点已开始流行,认为轮回是否真实无关紧要,轮回的教义对于佛教修持意义不大,因此在佛法教导中不存在确定的地位。 |
Although open-source software is widely deployed by operators, few such OSS/BSS integration solutions exist.
虽然运营商广泛部署了开源软件,但是其中却鲜有OSS/BSS方面的集成方案。 |
Although opposites attract, the Scales are just a little too lazy to keep up with you. You, on the other hand, lack the sophistication required to keep a Libran happy.
白羊-天秤:尽管两个性格相差太大的你们走到了一起,天秤还是有点跟不上你的步伐。另一方面,你也缺少让天秤座的对象一直开心的经验。 |