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[Article 20] Unless specially approved by the Customs, import and export goods shall be released only upon endorsement by the Customs after duties have been paid or a proper guarantee has been submitted.

[Article 14] Drug warehouses shall lay down and implement a system of rules and regulations for the storage of drugs and take measures necessary in relation to cold storage, protection against damp, and protection from insects, rodents, etc. 第十四条药品仓库必须制定和执行药品保管制度,采取必要的冷藏、防潮、防虫、防鼠等措施。
[Article 15] Coastal vessels, fishing boats and special ships engaged in operation on sea shall not carry, exchange, purchase, or transfer the ownership of inbound or outbound goods and articles without prior Customs approval. 第十五条沿海运输船舶、渔船和从事海上作业的特种船舶,未经海关同意,不得载运或者换取、买卖、转让进出境货物、物品。
[Article 16] Where an inbound or outbound vessel or aircraft is forced to call or land at places without a Customs office, or jettison or discharge goods at such places owing to force majeure, the officer of the carrier in charge shall report the matter t 第十六条进出境船舶和航空器,由于不可抗力的原因,被迫在未设立海关的地点停泊、降落或者抛掷、起卸货物、物品,运输工具负责人应当立即报告附近海关。
[Article 18] A medical treatment unit which makes up drugs must have adequate facilities, instruments for examination and hygienic conditions to ensure the quality of the drugs prepared. 第十八条医疗单位配制制剂必须具有能够保证制剂质量的设施、检验仪器和卫生条件。
[Article 1] This Law has been formulated with a view of safeguarding national sovereignty and interests, strengthening Customs control, promoting exchanges in the areas of economy, trade, science, technology and culture with foreign countries and protecti 第一条为了维护国家的主权和利益,加强海关监督管理,促进对外经济贸易和科技文化交往,保障社会主义现代化建设,特制定本法。
[Article 20] Unless specially approved by the Customs, import and export goods shall be released only upon endorsement by the Customs after duties have been paid or a proper guarantee has been submitted. 第二十条除海关特准的外,进出口货物在收发货人缴清税款或者提供担保后,由海关签印放行。
[Article 20] When a medical treatment unit purchases drugs, it must implement a system of checking the quality on delivery. 第二十条医疗单位购进药品,必须执行质量验收制度。
[Article 21] The State encourages research into and development of new drugs. 第二十一条国家鼓励研究、创制新药。
[Article 24] Customs formalities for import goods shall be completed by the consignee at the place where the goods entering the territory and for export goods, by the consignor, at the place where the goods leave the territory. 第二十四条进口货物应当由收货人在货物的进境地海关办理海关手续,出口货物应当由发货人在货物的出境地海关办理海关手续。
[Article 24] The State Council department responsible for health administration and the departments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities under the direct control of the Central Government administering health may establish a Drug Evalua 第二十四条国务院卫生行政部门和省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门可以成立药品审评委员会,对新药进行审评,对已经生产的药品进行再评价。
[Article 25] All transit, transshipment and through-shipment goods shall be declared with the Customs at the place where they enter the territory or are shipped out of the territory within the specified time limit. 第二十五条过境、转运和通运货物,运输工具负责人应当向进境地海关如实申报,并应当在规定期限内运输出境。

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