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Upon impact with a planet, the Galaxy Gun's energized warhead erupted, causing unstoppable nucleonic chain reactions.

Upon his arrival Tuesday in Canada at Pearson International Airport in Toronto, Schwarzenegger offered high-fives and handshakes to a children's choir assembled in a hangar to greet him. 施瓦辛格星期二抵达多伦多皮尔森国际机场时受到一个儿童乐队的欢迎。
Upon his demise the duke's house and other properties passed to his son. 公爵故世后,房子和其它财产便传给了儿子。
Upon his return from Vienna, he was made deputy foreign minister. 阿利耶夫先生从维也纳回国之后便当上了哈萨克斯坦的外交部副部长。
Upon his return he exclaimed, Whew! Thank goodness I never married any of those women - They\'re all widows now! 他回来即叹道:“嘘!谢天谢地幸亏我没娶那些女人中的任何一个。如今她们都成寡妇了!”
Upon his return to the company from prison after the second world war, Professor Porsche reviewed the designs his son and his team had produced. 二战结束后捷教授曾入狱,在他回到公司后,他收到儿子以及他的团队提交的设计。
Upon impact with a planet, the Galaxy Gun's energized warhead erupted, causing unstoppable nucleonic chain reactions. 一但与行星向碰撞,银河之枪发生出的能量化的弹头便会爆炸,引发不可被终止的核子链式反应。
Upon implementation of these plans, distinctly lessened depression and anxiety, and distinctly improved coping abilities were all noted. 在措施执行后,发现个案忧郁与焦虑情绪明显改善并建立自我肯定的行为。
Upon investigating further, Brown was surprised by how smooth and mirror-like was the stone surface of the whole structure, with the joints`between the individual blocks almost indiscernible. 更进一步调查之后,布朗惊讶整个建筑物石头表面是多么的光滑如镜一样,几乎不能看见石头之间的接缝处。
Upon leaving, I intuitively felt the gaze of someone fixed on my back, but stony enough, I never turned back. 当我离开这房子的时候,我知道身后有一双眼睛盯着我,但我是一定不会回头的。
Upon making good use of Sinotrans network advantage,we sincerely offer a fine service of safe,fastness and convenience to all of you. 哈尔滨进出口贸易运输有限公司将充分利用外运集团的网络优势,竭诚为各界提供安全、迅速、准确、节省、方便的优质服务。
Upon medical examination are there any abnormalities of the following: 体检中是否发现以下不正常的情况:

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