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Which football team is the leader in the football championship?

Which food do you think is healthy and which is unhealthy? 你认为哪种食物是健康的,哪种是不健康的呢?
Which food would you like best?Chinese food,western food or sea food? 您喜欢吃哪种菜?中餐、西餐还是海产?
Which foods and beverages contain caffeine? 哪些食物、饮料中含有咖啡因?
Which foot hurts? Is it the left one? 你哪只脚疼?是左脚吗?
Which football team do you support? 你支持哪个足球队?
Which football team is the leader in the football championship? 现在哪个队在足球锦标赛中领先?
Which foreign languages you can speak expect English? 除了英语之外,你还会说哪门外语?
Which form do I need to fill in to reimburse my travel expense? 我需要填什么表格来报销我的旅费?
Which form should I fil to coincidence my hotle fee. 我需要填什么表格来报销我的旅费?
Which form should i fill in to request my travel reimbursement. 我需要填什么表格来报销我的旅费?
Which forms do I need to complete for my travel reimbursement? 我需要填什么表格来报销我的旅费?

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