ROBERT:Are you a teacher?
你是教师吗? |
ROBERT:What's your job?
你是做什么工作的? |
ROBIN Urn, and included in these are the pictorial forms of print media, like maps . . .
包括这些印刷媒体的图案形式,如地图。 |
ROCHESTER, Minn. -- For decades, researchers have suspected a connection between chronic lung diseases and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
罗切斯特,美国明尼苏达州-近十年来,研究者对慢性肺炎和类风湿关节炎的相关性已有怀疑。 |
ROCK HARD is the biggest magazine in Europe.
硬岩石杂志是欧洲最大的杂志。 |
火箭需要换走麦迪。 |
ROCKYEAR:Comparing with this with European ones, what is the difference?
摇滚年:同欧洲的音乐节比,有什么区别? |
ROCKYEAR:What your purposes this year?
摇滚年:你们今年的打算是什么? |
ROEHRENHANDEL NORDROHR GMBH offers you more Offers on tube, Fitting Pieces of fitting.
ROEHRENHANDEL NORDROHR GMBH是一家可靠的、知名的生产商和服务商,该公司提供很多令人震惊的产品,例如管、筒,管子连接。 |
ROGER FEDERER: Yes, I just said that I hope this pain will go away and that he can play again without any pains.
是的,我说我希望他的伤痛能快点痊愈,这样他打球才能不受影响。 |
ROGER: I think that I would like to be remembered as somebody who spoke his truth and stood by it through thick and thin and was not to be diverted by the vagaries of fashion or popularity or anything else.
我想让人们记得我是一个敢于坦白说出真相并且努力去做事的人,不管外界如何,我都不会被肤浅的流行所影响。 |