This critical layer surrounds a solid inner core of nearly pure iron that underlies 2,900 kilometers of solid rock that form the massive mantle and the ultrathin crust of continents and ocean floors.
这关键性的外核包覆著几乎是由纯铁所组成的固态内核,深埋在厚重的地函与极薄的大陆、海洋地壳之下,距离地表的深度约2900公里。 |
This cropping pattern is grown on about 1.5 million hectares in Pakistan.
巴基斯坦约有150万公顷积土地采用这种种植方式。 |
This cross section reveals a large myocardial infarction involving the anterior left ventricular wall and septum.
广泛的心肌梗死的断面,发生于左心室壁前面和室间隔。 |
This cross-sectional study is evaluated by face-to-face interviewing 5992 in-patients from the six hospitals in the Taipei Metropolitan Area since November, year 2002.
本研究系一横断性研究,从大台北都会区医院中,立意挑选两家公立地区级教学医院、两家公立区域级教学医院,及两家私立之地区级非教学医院作为研究对象。 |
This crossing-point between the old East and West Berlin features hordes of teenagers and street vendors selling communist paraphernalia.
这个边境检查站在冷战时期阻隔了东、西柏林,如今成群结队的年轻人和沿街设摊、出售共产主义时代装备的小贩组成了该地区一道独特风景线。 |
This crossword will really tax your brain.
这纵横字谜真能让人大伤脑筋. |
This crown was made especially for the King.
王冠是专为国王制造的。 |
This crusher is Suitable for Crushing hard rock Such as basalt,and their Compression Strength are 350 Mpa.
本系列产品,适用于硬物料,如玄武岩等抗压强度高达350兆帕的岩石破碎,其出料粒度比较小,特别适用于路面石料的备制. |
This crusher is designed to be used for the coarse and medium reduction of various kinds coal and coke as well as other friable materials of low hardness.
本机主要用于粗碎、中碎各种硬度的煤、焦炭及其它低硬度的脆性物料。 |
This crusher is widely used in mining,metallurgical industry,building material ,highway, railway, water conservancy and chemical industries. various material with compressive resistance less than 350 Mpa can be crushed.
系列破碎机广泛运用于矿山、冶炼、建材、公路、铁路、水利和化学工业等众多部门,粉碎抗压强度不超过350兆帕的各种物料。 |
This culminated in a five-minute mental arithmetic test, something that would normally prove unbearably embarrassing for people with a phobia of social situations, but the subjects displayed a markedly decreased fear level.
实验在5分钟的心算测验时达到高潮,通常这会让恐惧社交的人极度害羞,但实验结果明显地看出恐惧感降低。 |