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Addison invented the electric light bulb, the record player and the movie projector.

Adding to the strangeness, there were Russians among them: big, blond men who danced, and affectionate young women kissing their Turcoman friends. 更不可思议的是,俄罗斯人加入了他们中间:高大的金发男子在跳舞,热情洋溢的年轻姑娘在亲吻着他们的土库曼朋友。
Adding to the troubles of the banks, the sailing ship full of gold lost its battle with the hurricane and sank to the bottom of the ocean. 对银行的困境是雪上加霜,满载金子的船最后被飓风击垮,沈到大海深处。
Adding to their suspicions is the fact that even currency experts have an awfully hard time agreeing on a value for the renminbi. 更让他们疑惑的是,即使是货币专家现在都无法对人民币的价值得出一致的意见。
Adding tourism to the mix only enhanced the economic outlook for rural areas. 旅游业与农业的融合反而增强了农村的经济能力。
Adding vinegar improved flavor and greatly reduced the time needed for fermentation. 加入醋汁不仅能提味,还可以大大减少发酵所需的时间。
Addison invented the electric light bulb, the record player and the movie projector. 爱迪生发明了电灯泡、留声机和电影放映机。
Addison, Joseph. The Spectator(1711-1712). In Selected Essays. Edited by Daniel McDonald. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1973, selections. 约瑟夫?爱迪生,《旁观者》(1711-1712)。选自《精选作品集》。丹尼尔?麦克唐纳编辑。印弟安纳波里斯:鲍勃斯-麦利尔出版社,1973版,选集。
Addition and correction of icons for the many NPCs. 增加和修正了许多NPC的标志。
Addition and division are forms of computation. 加法和除法都是计算方法.
Addition and subtraction we call the first -progression operation, multiplication and division we call the second –progression operation. 加法和减法叫做第一级运算,乘法和除法叫做第二级运算.
Addition of chamfering shape on seating surface of joint bolt at atf cooler pipe area. 倒棱增加物的塑造在自动制冷管的范围内、接头螺栓的座套表面。

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