On 23 July 2007, Stewards concluded the enquiry, adjourned from Macau Jockey Club racemeeting on Saturday night 21 July 2007, Race 7, into the reason for Toy's Three (W L Ho) and Invader (F Durso) having to be checked shortly after the start.
澳门赛马会竞赛董事小组于二○○七年七月二十三日就有关七月二十一日(星期六)第七场「玩具三号」(何华麟)与「活力侵略」(杜西奥)起步后不久须勒避之原因之押后研讯进行审结。 |
On 24 Feb 2006, TM was diagnosed to have jaundice. On 27 Feb 2006, he wasadmitted to the hospital for cirrhosis (hardening of liver).
2006年2月24日,TM被诊断得了黄疸。2月27日,因肝硬化送进医院。 |
On 24 Oct, China State Administration of Foreign Exchange approved China's branch of Standard Chartered Bank's a quota of US$ 50 million of purchasing foreign exchange for its overseas wealth management business on behalf of clients.
10月9日,国家外汇管理局批准恒生银行有限责任公司在华分行代客境外理财项下投资购汇额度。 |
On 25 June 2007, the EPD obtained the support of the Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affair on an infrastructure proposal to retrofit noise barriers at Kwun Tong Bypass so as to provide relief to residents affected by the existing road traffic
环保署在二零零七年六月二十五日获立法会环境事务委员会支持,实行在观塘绕道加装隔音屏障,以纾减居民受现有道路交通噪音影响的基建项目。 |
On 25 Nov 2002, senior government officials from Shenzhen addressed a TDC-organised seminar in Hong Kong to explain China's latest policies on processing trade, import taxes, customs clearance and foreign exchange administration.
多位深圳官员在11月25日贸发局举办的「外商投资加工贸易最新政策」研讨会上介绍内地加工贸易、进口税收优惠、海关及外汇管理的最新政策。 |
On 25th November, 2006, at 18:50, Qu came in advance, with his own computer.
2006年11月25日晚6:50,主讲人渠宏伟提前到达,带着自己专业的笔记本电脑。 |
On 26 September 1792, King George III dispatched the first British trade mission to China, a 700- strong party that included diplomats, businessmen, soldiers, scientists, painters, a watchmaker, a gardener, five German musicians, two Neapolitan Chinese pr
1792年九月26日,英国国王乔治三世派遣了第一个贸易代表团到中国,这是一个庞大的代表团,共700人,里面包括外交官,商人,士兵,科学家,几个画家(就是我主贴中提供的图片),一个钟表制作者,一个园艺家,五个德国的音乐家,两个信仰基督教的中国牧师,一个热气球飞行员。 |
On 26th October 2006, China Aviation Supplies Import and Export Group Corporation (CASGC) signed a General Terms Agreement (GTA) for the purchase of 150 A320 Family aircraft and a Letter of Intent (LOI) for 20 A350XWB aircraft with Airbus in Beijing.
2006年10月26日,空中客车公司与中国航空器材进出口集团公司在北京签署了订购150架空中客车A320系列飞机的框架协议和订购20架A350宽体飞机的意向书。 |
On 28 May 2007, EPD briefed members of the Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs about the latest trend of greenhouse gas emissions, their effects on global warming and the measures being taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Hong Kong.
环保署于2007年5月28日向立法会环境事务委员会的议员汇报最新的温室气体排放趋势,其对全球暖化的影响,与及在香港实施的减少温室气体排放措施。 |
On 28th and 29th April, MATS ( THE MALAYSIAN ASSOCIATION OF THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS) held its third biennial general meeting in Sibu.
马来西亚神学院协会于4月28至29日,分别假诗巫卫理神学院及京城大酒店召开第叁届代表大会。 |
On 29 January he left Australia.
1月29日他驶离澳大利亚。 |