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They are just like close brother.

They are iver thirty,but still childless. 他们已年过三十,但还没有孩子。
They are jumping a ditch. 他们正跃过一个深沟。
They are just as human as anyone else. 他们也是和别人一样的人。
They are just common knowledge. 都是基本常识。
They are just four and a half games behind the Cleveland Indians for the lead in the wild-card race. 在外卡竞争上,他们以4场半的胜差落后在克里夫兰印地安人队。
They are just like close brother. 他们亲如兄弟!
They are just like close brothers. 他们亲如兄弟!
They are just simple country folk. 他们只不过是普通的村民。
They are just standing there, at rest with respect to the rubber of the balloon, yet the distances to them and between them are increasing. 牠们就站在那儿不动,对气球的橡皮表面而言,牠们是静止的,可是你和牠们的距离,以及牠们彼此之间的距离,却因为气球的膨胀而增加。
They are just the persons to appreciate the wholesome gush of natural feeling, the honest affection, the simple joy, the fullness of contentment with what they love. 他们所欣赏的只是感情的自然流露、真诚的爱、朴素的乐趣以及与所爱的人在一起时的满足。
They are just too general: “Profitability and productivity will increase.” Ho hum. What else is new? 信息的表达太过笼统。“提高生产力和利润”这种地球人都知道的事情就不用再说了,能不能来点有新意的?

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