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Yamantaka is an important Guardian Deity in Tibetan Buddhism.

Yama (or the five commandments) constitutes the universal duty and is irrespective of race, place, time or emergency. 此五大根本律法(自然法则)无论种族、地点、时间和事态发展皆不得更改。
Yamada R, et al. Hepatic artery embolization in 120 patients with unresectable hepatoma Radiology 1983; 148: 397. 林贵等.肝癌的微血管结构和血供.中华放射学杂志,1985,5:257.
Yamada is similarly sceptical about the Japanese education system, as demonstrated in the Schoolseries. 同时,山田亦对日本教育制度深存怀疑,透过《学校》系列表明他的教育观、人生观。
Yamada suggested to the Shochiku Studio his idea of turning Tora-saninto a film, albeit the opposition of the head of the studio, directed Tora-san Our Lovable Tramp. 1969山田向松竹提出把《男人之苦》拍成电影版,在社长强烈反对之下,执导了电影。
Yamada, who has never intended to make a Tora-san film series, wrote and directed sequel after sequel around the character of Torajiro, amounting to 48 films (only the third and fourth film were not directed by him) until the last installment in 1995, thu 从未想过把《男人之苦》拍成电影系列的山田,结果顺理成章把「寅次郎」的故事续拍下去,直至1995年最后一集,共编导了48集(当中只有第三、四集不是由山田执导),成为日本史上最长寿的电影系列。
Yamantaka is an important Guardian Deity in Tibetan Buddhism. 摘要“雅曼达噶”即大威德金刚,是藏传佛教重要的护法神。
Yamauchi, who told the court he faced difficulty joining the public health insurance system and registering as a voter without a legal address, won his case at the district court last year. 该男子曾于去年在一家地区法院内打赢了这场官司,当时他曾对法官表示,由于没有一个合法的住址,这使得自己在加入公共健康保险系统以及进行选民登记注册时面临着重重困难。
Yamazaki opened its first foreign plant, in Kentucky in the US, in 1974. 山崎马扎克于1974年首次在国外办厂,地点是在美国肯塔基州。
Yami tribesmen from Orchid Island paddle their traditional handmade boat on the Keelung river in Taipei July 31, 2007. 雅美族原住民七月三十一日从兰屿划著手造的拼板船一路航至基隆河。
Yan Ducal lies in the northeast of China, inspite of all its efforts for external expansion, it couldn't control China, also being apart from the central area made itself safe, The war of wiping the Qi Ducal and exhausting the Zhao Ducal during the Warrin 摘要燕国位于东北隅,虽然竭力向外扩张,但终因远离中原无法左右天下,并因此而能自保独安;战国时期燕国灭齐与疲赵的战争,客观上削弱了东方六国的实力,加快了秦国统一的进程,也加速了自身的灭亡。
Yan Jialong was born is Lianyuan city, Hunan province in 1928. 颜家龙,一九二八年生,湖南涟源人。

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