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We bring you a fantastic itinerary that will lead you to the Iberian Peninsula.

We breakfasted on toast and coffee. 我们用的早餐是烤面包片和咖啡.
We breathe through the nasal passage. 我们通过鼻腔呼吸。
We briefly review current research on strongly interacting ultracold atomic polarized Fermi gases. 摘要文章首先简要评述了目前强相互作用的极化冷费米原子体系的研究现状。
We brim over with sympathy after she told us her sad story. 她告诉我们她的悲苦身世后,我们对她深表同情。
We bring them some homemade cookies. 美国人会送上自己烘烤的饼乾。
We bring you a fantastic itinerary that will lead you to the Iberian Peninsula. 我们为您设计了伊比利亚半岛的奇幻路线。
We broadly cooperated with national and international food institutes. 保证产品的营养、美味、优质。
We broke off work for a cup of coffee. 我们中断工作,喝了杯咖啡。
We broke up -- I believe after 2 years -- and then I went downhill. 大概两年之后,我们分手了,从那儿以后我的情况越来越坏。
We brought home two bags of potatoes. 我们带了两袋马铃薯回家。
We brought our dog and cat with us when we moved back from the US and they now live with my father-in-law at the family cottage. 我们从美国回捷克时带回了我们的猫和狗,它们现在养在我岳父的小屋里。

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