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Everyone will be miserable owing to the dominance of vice and Tamoguna.

Everyone who passes by her will hiss And wave his hand at her. 凡经过的人都必嗤笑,向她摇手。
Everyone who quotes proverbs will quote this proverb about you: Like mother, like daughter. 44凡说俗语的必用俗语攻击你,说,母亲怎样,女儿也怎样。
Everyone who still thinks denying belongs as is needs to realize the fact that when you screw with the originally envisioned experience system, it undermines the game and, simply, becomes the game. 每一个仍认为反补不需改动的人需要了解一个事实,那就是当你扭屈了系统原先架构的经验系统时,它干扰了游戏,改变了游戏.
Everyone who was concerned in the affair regrets it very much. 每个关心此事的人对此都深感遗憾。
Everyone who would usually take a cut from the book is giving their services for free and they're donating what would've been their proceeds to Comic Relief which means booksellers, paper suppliers, publishers and my royalties, everything will be going to 答:每一个总是从图书出版的过程中牟利的人这次都免费提供服务,而且他们都将本应属于自己的利润捐赠给了喜剧救济基金会,这意味着售书商、纸张的提供者、出版商以及我的版税,所有的收益都将属于喜剧救济基金会,每本书定价中的80%都会属于喜剧救济基金会。
Everyone will be miserable owing to the dominance of vice and Tamoguna. 每一个人会因为恶行占优势的缘故而感到不幸。
Everyone will eventually bite the dust. 人人最终都有一死。
Everyone will fill in innumerable forms all his life, telling repeatedly the details of his life to the stranger. 人的一生会填写无数的表格,反复地将自己生命中的细节告诉给陌生人.
Everyone will smile with corners of his mouth upward when they catch sight of her smile, which is the carrier of love. 看着她的笑,谁都会忍不住嘴角上扬,这,是一种爱的传递!
Everyone will talk the game up, say they are the better side or we are the better side, but come six o'clock on Sunday, we will see who is the better side. “每个人都会议论比赛,说他们更好或者我们更好,但星期天的六点(北京时间周一凌晨2:00)我们将看到谁才是更好的一方。”
Everyone will want to adopt your cool attitude. 人们都会想效仿你的冷静态度的。

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