Advance in chemical structure of bacterial capsular polysaccharides
细菌荚膜多糖的化学结构 |
The effects of Probiotic on Human Intestinal Microbiota——Taking Lactobacillus casei Zhang as Example
益生菌对肠道菌群的影响——以Lactobacillus casei Zhang研究为例 |
Research advances and perspectives on the ecology of wild giant pandas
野生大熊猫生态学研究进展与前瞻 |
Research Progress on Mitochondrial Genome of Higher Plant
高等植物线粒体基因组研究进展 |
Photosynthetic responses of four dominant species to environmental gradient along the oasis-desert ecotone of Minqin,China
沿民勤绿洲荒漠过渡带分布的4种优势植物光合生理响应 |
The Role of Vimentin during PRRSV Infection of Marc-145 Cells
波形蛋白介导猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒感染Marc-145细胞作用的初步研究 |
Community structure of phytoplankton and the water quality assessment in Lake Baiyangdian
白洋淀浮游植物群落结构与水质评价 |
Use of Bacillus subtilis in purification of slightly-polluted water
枯草芽孢杆菌对微污染水体的净化作用 |
Theory into Practice:The Reform of General Education in the U.S.——A Case Study of Biological Science 101
美国通识教育改革的理念与行动——以伊利诺伊州立大学生物课改革为例 |
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation in natural ecosystems
自然生态系统中的厌氧氨氧化 |
Biodiversity and functional enzymes of cultured halophilic archaeon in Lop Nur region
新疆罗布泊地区可培养嗜盐古菌多样性及其功能酶筛选 |