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[bbe] Then Ehud went out into the covered way, shutting the doors of the summer-house on him and locking them.

[bbe] Then David put the question to the Lord again, and the Lord answering said, Up! go down to Keilah; for I will give the Philistines into your hands. 大卫又求问耶和华.耶和华回答说、你起身、下基伊拉去.我必将非利士人交在你手里。
[bbe] Then David said to the man, Go and say to Joab, Do not let this be a grief to you; for one man may come to his death by the sword like another: put up an even stronger fight against the town, and take it: and do you put heart into him. 王向使者说、你告诉约押说、不要因这事愁闷、刀剑或吞灭这人、或吞灭那人、没有一定的、你只管竭力攻城、将城倾覆.可以用这话勉励约押。
[bbe] Then Delilah said to Samson, See, you have been making sport of me with false words; now, say truly how may you be put in bands? 大利拉对参孙说、你欺哄我、向我说谎言.现在求你告诉我当用何法捆绑你。
[bbe] Then Delilah said to Samson, Up to now you have made sport of me with false words; now say truly, how may you be put in bands? 大利拉对参孙说、你到如今还是欺哄我、向我说谎言.求你告诉我、当用何法捆绑你。
[bbe] Then Doeg, the Edomite, who was by the side of the servants of Saul, in answer said, I saw the son of Jesse coming to Nob, to Ahimelech, the son of Ahitub. 那时以东人多益站在扫罗的臣仆中、对他说、我曾看见耶西的儿子到了挪伯亚希突的儿子亚希米勒那里。
[bbe] Then Ehud went out into the covered way, shutting the doors of the summer-house on him and locking them. 以笏出来之后、王的仆人到了、看见楼门关锁、就说、他必是在楼上大解。
[bbe] Then Eliakim and Shebna and Joah said to the Rab-shakeh, Please make use of the Aramaean language in talking to your servants, for we are used to it, and do not make use of the Jews' language in the hearing of the people on the wall. 以利亚敬,舍伯那,约亚,对拉伯沙基说,求你用亚兰言语和仆人说话,因为我们懂得,不要用犹大言语和我们说话达到城上百姓的耳中。
[bbe] Then Elisha said to her, What am I to do for you? 以利沙问他说:「我可以为你做什麽呢?
[bbe] Then Elisha said, Give ear to the word of the Lord: the Lord says, Tomorrow, about this time, a measure of good meal will be offered for the price of a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the market-place of Samaria. 以利沙说:你们要听耶和华的话,耶和华如此说:明日约到这时候,在撒玛利亚城门口,一细亚细面要卖银一舍客勒,二细亚大麦也要卖银一舍客勒。
[bbe] Then Esther sent for Hathach, one of the king's unsexed servants whom he had given her for waiting on her, and she gave him orders to go to Mordecai and see what this was and why it was. 以斯帖就把王所派伺候她的一个太监,名叫哈他革召来,吩咐他去见末底改,要知道这是什么事,是什么缘故。
[bbe] Then Gideon came to Jordan and went over it with his three hundred, overcome with weariness and in need of food. 基甸和跟随他的三百人、到约但河过渡、虽然疲乏、还是追赶。

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