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Guidebooks warn tourists of Peruvian time—be fashionably late for parties and dinner or risk a faux pas.

Guide: This is the lobby and we'll check in here. 导游:这里就是邮船的大堂了,我们在这里登记。
Guide: Today, you gentlemen don't have to worry about your wallet, ’cause we're going to Disneyland. 导游:今天的行程应该不会让男士们紧张了。今天我们去迪斯尼。
Guide:I'm sorry, I didn't bring enough rope. 向导:抱歉,我没带足绳子。
Guide:Mr.Royal ,don't worry .We can stay at some quiet local inns in Kathmandu until you're feeling better. 向导:罗伊尔先生,放心。我们可在加德满都附近找个安静的小施舍住下,直到你觉得身体好些为止。
GuideStar.org — A searchable database of non-profit organizations.guidestar.org- 检索数据库的非盈利组织.
Guidebooks warn tourists of Peruvian time—be fashionably late for parties and dinner or risk a faux pas. 旅游指南经常警告观光客留意秘鲁的时间—参加派对或晚宴时要时髦地迟到,否则可能会犯下社交大错。
Guided by Luo Yang Refractory Research In-stitute ,We developed alumina - magnesia spinel car-bon bricks.This product possesses such anvantages as high load softening point ,low porosity,slag-resis-tance and erosion-resistance,When used in the working lin 我厂在洛阳耐火材料研究院指导下,研制出铝镁尖晶石碳砖,具有荷重软化点高,气孔率低,抗渣,抗浸蚀性能好等优点,用于钢包工作衬,效果明显提高,是目前钢包用较为理想的产品,深受冶金企业欢迎。
Guided by dynamics of fluids through porous media and oil reservior engineering, macroscopic throats mathematical model was put formard, and by employing grey correlation correctly on the computer. 以渗流力学原理和油气工程方法为指导,提出了描述大孔道的数学模型,运用灰色关联理论和常规动态资料识别描述油层大孔道,取得较好应用效果。
Guided by new and creative prospecting idea, several gold deposits have been discovered at the depth and in the adjacent area to Jiapigou gold mine of which was once closed in 1960 in Jilin province. 曾于1960年一度闭坑的吉林省夹皮沟金矿,在新的找矿思路指导下,在矿山深边部及外围地区发现了多处大中型金矿床。
Guided by our Corporate Values, we strive to equip and empower our people to develop careers, not jobs, with Hyatt International Hotels &Resorts. 在集团价值观的引导下,我们努力帮助员工发展职业生涯,而不仅仅只是工作。
Guided by satellites and lasers, missiles found their targets without hitting nearby buildings. 然而,平民百姓纵使不被流弹伤及,仍面临著失效军火所带来的威胁。

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