He is England's 11th all-time top goal scorer with 24 goals and was knighted in 1998.
直到1972年他仍然当任着英格兰前场的核心,参加了1972年世界杯并在对罗马尼亚的比赛中进球直到他离开足球赛场! |
He is English / Chinese / Japanese.
他是英国人/中国人/日本人。 |
He is French by birth.
他的父母是法国人。 |
He is His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, nephew of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, grandson of the country's founder, grandson also of the founder of modern day Lebanon.
他就是奥瓦里-宾-塔拉-宾-阿杜拉西斯-沃苏王子陛下,是沙特国王法赫德的侄子,沙特创建人的孙子,也是当今黎巴嫩创建人的外孙。 |
He is Jinjing and Sulan's cousin.
他是晶晶和苏兰的表弟。 |
He is Jones by name.
他名叫琼斯。 |
He is Lao Wang, isn't he, or is he?
他是老王,是吧,嗳,他是老王吗? |
He is Latin America's finest living poet.
他是拉丁美洲最优秀的现存诗人。 |
He is Mary's younger brother.
他是玛丽的弟弟。 |
He is One cannot be too careful while driving in the area.
在该地区开车越细心越好。 |
He is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford.
他是牛津大学伦理学教授. |