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I am not a cripple!shouted the girl furiously ,I am not!

I am like everybody else,says Yates. I wonder if she's going to kill Harry off. That's my pet theory. I think she might. 我和大家一样,雷格说,我不知她是否会杀死哈利.但这是我所喜爱的结局.我想她会这样做.
I am looking for a strong dog to take care of me,says one. I am looking for a playmate to cuddle,says another. “我在找一只强壮的狗,它可以照顾我,”有人说,“我要找个可以一起拥抱的玩伴。”也有人说。
I am loved in Portugal but my life is better in London. “我喜欢在葡萄牙,但是我在伦敦的生活更好。”
I am lucky I have United as a kind of anchor. “能够执教曼联我觉得非常幸运。”
I am no longer a kid, I don't play around trees anymore.The boy replied,I want toys. I need money to buy them. “我不是小孩子了”男孩回答道,“我不和树玩了,我要玩具,我要钱买玩具”。
I am not a cripple!shouted the girl furiously ,I am not! 我不是个废人!女孩怒不可遏,嚷道,我不是!
I am not afraid of you,said he, smilingly. “我才不怕你呢,”他微笑持说。
I am not at ease, nor am I quiet, And I am not at rest, but turmoil comes. 伯3:26我不得安逸、不得平静、也不得安息.却有患难来到。
I am not going to let this chance pass. “我不想让这个机会从我身边溜走。”
I am not known for my fashion sense. When I wore a particular brand of swimming trunks one year, the sales then collapsed. 他自嘲说:“我的时尚感实在不行,有一年我穿了某个品牌的泳裤,结果那个品牌的泳裤销量大跌。”
I am not possessed by a demon,said Jesus, but I honor my Father and you dishonor me. 49耶稣说,我不是鬼附着的。我尊敬我的父,你们倒轻慢我。

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