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In 340 B.C., Aristotle observed that dolphins gave birth to live young that were attached ot their mothers by umbilical cords.

In 21st century, we will meet larger challenge, so the staff in our company will work harder to thrive our national medical equipment industy with our persistent efforts. 二十一世纪我们将面临更大的挑战,企业全体员工将以不断进取的拼搏精神,为振兴民族医用设备工业而不懈的努力。
In 21st-century urban warfare, however, that integration must occur at the tactical level. 然而,在二十一世纪的城市战争中,这种结合应该发生在战术级别。
In 221 BC,in Shanxi Province there was a poor scholar. 公元前221年,山西有一位穷书生。
In 24 hours upon arrival, the person should submit Health Report Form to community health station or township health clinics; the latter should report relevant information to SARS Prevention Headquarters, and trace the person medically. 在到达后24小时内,由其本人及时、自觉、真实地向其居住地的社区卫生服务站或镇卫生院填报《健康申报表》,社区卫生服务站或镇卫生院应及时将有关信息上报所在地防非指挥部,并落实追踪医学观察。
In 302 hospital of Beijing, doctors had failed in trying to active his liver function by extracorporeal liver against hepatic failure, and eventually he was kept alive back in local hospital. 在北京302医院时,他的肝脏已经衰竭,大夫试图用体外肝脏来激活他的肝脏的功能,但是失败了,最后只能回到本地医院来维持.
In 340 B.C., Aristotle observed that dolphins gave birth to live young that were attached ot their mothers by umbilical cords. 公元前340年,亚里士多德观察海豚生产时发现,母子海豚由脐带连接。
In 394 AD, the Christian Roman Emperor Theodosius abolished the games, as pagan festivals. 公元394年,基督教罗马皇帝狄奥多西将其视为异教徒的节日予以废除。
In 3D geodynamics numerical simulation research, it is often required to mesh the whole Earth or part of the spherical shell, and the size of mesh is much more important to our research. 摘要在研究大尺度的三维地球动力学问题的数值模拟过程中,往往需要对整个球体或部分球壳生成计算网格,而且网格单元的尺寸对所研究的问题尤为重要。
In 415 BCE, when the Athenian fleet was about to set sail for Syracuse during the Peloponnesian War, all of the Athenian hermai were vandalized. 在公元前415年伯罗奔尼撒战争期间,雅典舰队正要出海到锡拉库扎(意大利西西里岛东部一港市),所有雅典的赫尔密斯方形石柱被破坏。
In 467 BC, Roman historians recorded the extraordinary fall of a meteor to the earth. 早在公元前467年,古罗马的历史学家就曾记录下流星坠落地面的不同寻常的陨落。
In 47,611 paired sensor readings in the adult population, the Paradigm REAL-Time median error was 10.5%. 而在47611对成人传感器读数中,实时监测样机观察到的中位误差为10.5%。

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