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The inter-city subway is one element of a planned fast rail service network along the Pearl River Delta area, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao.

The intention of utterance is the basis of deduction for the participant speaker. 话语意图是话语参与者推理的基础。
The intention to revoke a will. 将遗嘱取消的打算。
The intentional, usually remote-controlled destruction of a space vehicle, rocket, or missile after launching, as for defective performance or reasons of safety. 毁灭,摧毁因为方案不完善或为了安全的原因,经常通过遥控对已发射的宇宙飞船、火箭或导弹实施的有意的摧毁
The intentions made by many through the articles upon our site have begun to redirect the human dream. 透过阅读我们的网站文章,许多人所作的意想已经开始重新引导人类之梦。
The inter-agency panel, the committee on foreign investment in the US, or Cfius, is applying pressure on some companies to agree to potential financial penalties. 这个政府部门间的专门小组正在向一些公司施压,要求它们同意潜在的经济处罚。
The inter-city subway is one element of a planned fast rail service network along the Pearl River Delta area, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao. 城际地铁是环珠三角地区、邻近香港与澳门的高速铁路服务网络的组成部分。
The inter-pervasion and inter-impact of those value orientations have many types. 各要素价值取向的相互渗透和影响表现方式各异。
The interaction between computer and counterculture, the interaction between technology and culture, the cultural dilemma of internet contact and dissimilation of internet contact should be studied and discussed. 电子计算机与反主流文化的互动、科技与文化的互动、网际交往的文化困境、网际交往异化现象,这些都值得我们去研究和探讨。
The interaction between pore water and soil skeleton including both buoyancy and seepage effects could be precisely taken into account in a fully coupled effective stress approach. 完全耦合方法可以模拟孔隙水和土骨架间漂浮和渗透的相互作用。
The interaction between teachers arid students should be the core of any teaching process. 摘要师生互动是教学过程的核心。
The interaction between template and functional monomer was proved by UV spectrophotometry and based on the results, appropriate reaction solvent was selected. 紫外分光光度法证明了模板分子与功能单体之间存在相互作用,并据此选择了聚合反应时合适的溶剂。

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