Q: Michael, tell us about your mindset now as you look ahead to those three closing races in the championship, now only two points behind Fernando Alonso.
问:迈克尔,给我们讲讲当你向着大奖赛最后的三站比赛前进时,你的精神状态怎么样。现在,你只比费尔南多-阿隆索落后了两分。 |
Q: Michael, this was probably your strongest race last year; how do you feel about this year? It was also a good circuit for Bridgestone.
问:迈克尔,这可能是你去年表现最强劲的比赛。今年你感觉如何?这对普里司通轮胎来说也是一条不错的赛道。 |
Q: Mr Schumacher I have a question: may I get you for a one-to-one interview?
问:舒马赫,我有一个问题,我能对你进行一个一对一的采访吗? |
Q: Ms? Philippines, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
问:菲律宾小姐,请形容贵国男性的性器官。 |
Q: Must I be an administrator to install the game?
我需要是管理员才可以安装游戏吗? |
Q: My cat is deaf. Can you help me?
我的猫是聋子。你可以帮助我吗? |
Q: My daughter is in another country working. Can she apply for the H1-B visa?
我的女儿在其他国家工作,你们能帮她申请H-1B的签证吗? |
Q: Nepali people want peace and the present government has been somewhat successful in establishing it. What has hampered taking the talks process ahead?
问:尼泊尔人民想要和平而当前政府在一定程度上成功地实现了和平。还有什么会妨碍和谈进程呢? |
Q: Nico, a disappointment in the USA; was it really 1) that you were running a heavier car and 2) a bit of a lack of understanding of Bridgestone tyres?
问:尼科,美国站很沮丧。你真的是驾驶了一辆更重一些的赛车吗?对普利司通轮胎确实是有些缺乏了解吗? |
Q: Nico, tremendous race at the Nurburgring.
问:尼科,纽博格林的比赛不错。 |
Q: Now that BAR has transformed into Honda is there greater pressure to be successful?
问:现在英美车队过渡成为了本田车队。要成功是否就有了更大的压力? |