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Mr.Brown lives next door to me.

Mr.Black goes to work by car everyday. 布莱克先生每天坐小汽车去上班.
Mr.Black worked hard in his office. 布莱克先生在他的办公室努力工作.
Mr.Black wrote up their acting in the play. 布莱克先生写文章,赞扬他们在这个剧中的演技。
Mr.Brown bought a cheap truck to make money, but it was too old for long-distance transportation. He was penny wise and pound foolish. 布朗先生为省钱买了一辆便宜卡车,但车太旧了不能搞长途运输,他丢了西瓜拣了芝麻。
Mr.Brown is not a stingy man. 布朗先生不是个吝啬的人。
Mr.Brown lives next door to me. 布朗先生住在我的隔壁。
Mr.Brown,Mr.Baker is defaulted , you will this walkover match. 布朗先生,由于贝克先生弃权了,你不战而胜。
Mr.Bush is also target ting a policy derisively known as catch [and] release. 布什先生把矛头指向了被戏称为“抓了放”的政策。
Mr.Chen Jianguo went to U.K. for China's Scholarship Project for Excellent Primary and Secondary School English Teachers' Training Abroad organized by China Scholarship Council and National Basic for English Language Research Centre. 陈建国老师赴英参加由国家留学基金管理委员会和国家外语研究中心组织的全国中小学优秀英语教师出国留学奖学金培训项目。
Mr.Chester has had a great deal of extra work recently, out he just managed to keep his head above water. 切斯特先生近来承担大量的额外工作,但是他还是设法对付过去了。
Mr.Chwat: Oh, I represent the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust and raise funds for them. 施:哦,我是莎士比亚诞生地信托基金的代理人,并为他们筹资。

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