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Then let the sun come out and fill the sky with rainbows.

Then let him understand these things. 他可以明白这些事。
Then let me get off the phone and check out the problem. 那么让我先挂掉电话查看一下问题。
Then let mine arm fall from my shoulder blade, and mine arm be broken from the bone. 22情愿我的肩头从缺盆骨脱落,我的膀臂从羊矢骨折断。
Then let the sad eyes of love vainly watch and weep. 那就让爱的愁眼,徒然地因着盼望而流泪。
Then let the students practise the dialogue with the words in the form till they can say the dialogue freely without looking at the books. 在引出第二部分对话前,先有意识地对学生本人的情况设计一个对话,以便为接下来的新内容做好铺垫。
Then let the sun come out and fill the sky with rainbows. 然后就让那阳光再次展现并以彩虹绘满天际。
Then let us develope together a marketing plan with yearly forecasts of volume with pricing. 那么,让我们依年度数量预测来共同拟订一个市场销售计划。
Then let us get down to a practical discussion. 那么让我们开始实质性的讨论吧。
Then let your head roll around heavily, as though it were a football. 让你的头沉重、缓慢地橡皮球一样转圈圈。
Then let's ask some questions about your life. Do you have your own car? 那么接下来让我们问些关于你生活方面的问题.你有属于自己的车吗?
Then lets them skillfully execute ability, until can kiss in the airborne long time. 然后让他们巧施才能,直到能在空中长时间接吻为止。

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