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For these things I weep; mine eye, mine eye runneth down with water, because the comforter that should relieve my soul is far from me: my children are desolate, because the enemy prevailed.

For these reasons, the most reliable estimates of the incubation period are based on a study of cases having a single documented exposure to a known case. 因此,对潜伏期最可靠的估计应根据对某个已知病例有记录的接触的研究。
For these reasons, the treaty provisions quoted herein will be strictly observed and enforced by United States forces without regard to whether they are legally binding upon this country. 基于上述理由,引用的条约条款应被美国严格遵守和实施,而不考虑是否是此国家之义务。
For these recent years,Meng Lingling had gained lots of laurels,such asExcellent Nurse in Henan Province China , Excellent Nurse in Anyang City Henan Provinceand so on.She used her practical action to annotate a nurse\'s holy task,dedicated the spirt of h 近年来孟玲玲先后荣获“中国河南省优秀护士”,“河南省安阳市优秀护士”等多项殊荣,她用实际行动诠释了一个护士的神圣使命,向社会奉献了一种博爱、敬业、无私、奉献的精神。
For these routines, the linkage editor places special import references in the executable file, and the run-time loader fixes up these references to point to the actual system code. 对于这些程序,联结编辑器(把)特殊的端口参数放进执行文件中,运行时间装载器修改这些参数来指向实际的系统代码。
For these things I weep; My eye, my eye runs down with water, For the comforter who should revive my soul Is far from me; My children have become desolate, Because the enemy has prevailed. 16我因这些事哭泣;我的眼睛泪水直流,因为那当安慰我,救回我性命的,离我甚远;我的儿女凄苦,因为仇敌已经得胜。
For these things I weep; mine eye, mine eye runneth down with water, because the comforter that should relieve my soul is far from me: my children are desolate, because the enemy prevailed. 哀1:16我因这些事哭泣.我眼泪汪汪.因为那当安慰我、救我性命的、离我甚远.我的儿女孤苦、因为仇敌得了胜。
For these things, existing in you and abounding, constitute you neither idle nor unfruitful unto the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 8因为这几样存在你们里面,且不断增多,就必将你们构成非闲懒不结果子的,以致充分的认识我们的主耶稣基督。
For these very pleasant two nights, sincere gratitude goes to Wind Music, DaDa Arts, and welcome you every new member of Nature Club! 在这快乐的两天晚上,诚挚感谢风潮唱片,大大国际娱乐,和欢迎每一位自然俱乐部新会员!
For these women, age is an advantage. 对于这些女人来说,成熟是她们的优势。
For these young monks, first lesson of the day is a lesson in combat, drills learnt over and over. 对于这些年轻的僧侣,每天的第一课是搏击,反复的练习招式。
For they all cast in out of their surplus, but she, out of her lack, has cast in all that she had, her whole living. 44因为他们都是从自己的富余中把一些投上,但这寡妇是从自己的缺乏中,把她一切所有的,就是她一切养生的,都投上了。

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