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This gravestone discovered again seems to tell us the action story of the hero.

This graph displays use solid cylinder. 用立体圆柱型图表显示测试结果。
This graph is NOT bipartite, since there are many triangles in it. 这个图不是二部图,因为里面存在许多三角形。
This graph is still suspected to be planar so far, but I am not sure. 我至今还认为这个图可能是平面图,但还不敢确定。
This graph, produced using preliminary altimetry data from Cassini's radar instrument, shows relative surface heights on Titan. 这是用卡西尼号上的雷达探测出的初步测高数据制成的图表,显示出土卫六上地表的相对高度。
This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops. 这沙土地利于排水,适于种植块根作物.
This gravestone discovered again seems to tell us the action story of the hero. 墓碑的重见天日仿佛讲述着英雄的战斗事迹,这块墓碑也将永远立在人民心中。
This gray Cashmere sweater should match the black leather skirt you just bought. 这件灰色的喀什米尔毛衣应该可以和你才买的那件黑色皮裙搭配。
This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. 我们的国家过去经得起考验,今后还会经得起考验,复兴起来,繁荣下去。
This great OCX allows you to have a drop down list of colors to allow your user to choose from. 这个非常棒的OCX程序允许你具有一个彩色的下拉列表,以使你的用户从中进行选择。
This great Phoenician city ruled the seas and founded prosperous colonies such as Cadiz and Carthage, but its historical role declined at the end of the Crusades. 它曾是最雄伟的腓尼基城市,当时腓尼基人统治着一些海域,建立了像卡地兹和迦太基这样繁荣的殖民地。
This great composer with his many works was the creator of the light Viennese classic music. 这位多产的伟大作曲家是轻维也纳古典音乐的创始者。

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