The array_shift() function removes the first element from an array, and returns the value of the removed element.
函数的作用是:删除数组中的第一个元素并返回这个被删除的元素的值。 |
The array_splice() function removes selected elements from an array and replaces it with new elements. The function also returns an array with the removed elements.
函数的作用是:从数组中删除指定的元素,并用新的元素替代它们;同时,函数将以数组的形式返回这些被删除的元素。 |
The array_unique() function removes duplicate values from an array.
函数的作用是:删除一个数组中重复的值。 |
The arrears were halved when David Jones' deflected shot looped up and Gray pounced to divert the ball past the flat-footed Gerrard.
当大卫.琼斯的射门击中对方球员发生折射后,机敏的格雷伺机而上,将球变向挑过出击的杰拉德,但可惜因为力量太轻而被对方后卫轻松化解。 |
The arrest of the judge is reported on the front page.
法官被捕的报道刊登在了报纸的头版。 |
The arrested men have been physically abused.
那些被逮捕的人身体上曾遭虐待。 |
The arrests were made about a month ago in the Anbar province, west of Baghdad.
这四名男子是在大约一个月以前于巴格达以西的安巴尔省被抓获的。 |
The arrival of Chiana, a Nebari runaway, brought even more complications.
凯恩娜(一个奈巴里逃犯)的到来使得事情更加复杂。 |
The arrival of Richie Jen and other hottest stars came before like Richard Clayderman, Kris Phillips, Ahn Jae Wook, S.H.E etc, breathes new life into Crowne Plaza Jinan, which is reputable for accommodating state leaders and government officials and busin
酒店也多次接待了如理查德·克莱德曼、费翔、安在旭、S.H.E等等炙手可热的明星,更为酒店注入了新鲜、时尚的元素,增添了一抹亮丽色彩。 |
The arrival of Roman Abramovich more than satisfied the demand so William signed a contract that ties him to Stamford Bridge until 2007.
阿布的到来更加满足了加拉的要求,他用一纸合约将把加拉留在斯坦福桥直到2007年。 |
The arrival of knowledge-based economy ages accelerated the market environment change in our country. strategical innovation in the marketing is urgent at the same time to raise the core competencies of the business enterprise.
摘要知识经济时代的到来加速了我国市场环境的改变,同时迫切要求中国企业在营销策略上进行创新,以提高企业的核心竞争力。 |