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Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) has featured on this poster alongside William Shakespeare and Winston Churchill.

Daniel Keyes' classic tale Flowers for Algernon is enjoyed throughout the world. 丹尼尔·凯斯的经典之作《献给阿尔吉农的花束》广受全球读者喜爱。
Daniel Oppenheimer at Princeton University found that short words and classic fonts make you look smart. 普林斯顿大学的丹尼尔·奥本海默研究发现简单的措辞和标准的字体会让你看起来更出色.
Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua's president, announced that Iran will build a hydroelectric project costing $120m in his country, and will help to finance a new port and 10,000 houses. 尼加拉瓜总统丹尼尔·奥尔特加宣布,伊朗将耗资1200万美元在尼加拉瓜境内建造一座水电站。同时,伊朗还将筹资建设一个新码头和十万座房屋。
Daniel Ortega, the leader of Nicaragua's Sandinistas, won a presidential election. 尼加拉瓜反对党――桑地诺民族解放阵线候选人奥尔特加在总统选举中获胜。
Daniel Puiu Poenar, Tse Man Siu, Tan Ooi Kiang. Colour sensor for (bio)chemical/biological discrimination and detection[J]. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,2002,5(1): 17-22. 张媛媛,丁双朋,陈炳若.硅双结型色敏器件蓝紫响应度的研究与改善[J].半导体光电,已录用,待发表.
Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) has featured on this poster alongside William Shakespeare and Winston Churchill. 丹尼尔(哈利波特)也出现在海报上,竟与威廉·莎士比亚和温斯顿·邱吉尔比肩。
Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) shows great talent in this movie ...On the other hand, Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) is the biggest disappointment and her unconvincing acting is one of the film's obvious shortcomings. 丹·雷德克里夫在这部电影里展现了出色的才华...另一方面,艾玛·沃森则最令人失望,她那种不得要领的表演是整部影片的一处明显的硬伤。
Daniel Radcliffe, who has played Harry Potter in the movies since he was 10 years old, thinks he's doomed. 哈里波特的扮演者丹尼尔·雷德克利弗,像是命中注定,自从10起就开始扮演这个角色。
Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry, arrived at the premiere with a large umbrella to avoid getting drenched . 然而天气丝毫没有阻挡粉丝们的脚步,他们聚集到了莱斯特广场等候片中明星的到来。
Daniel and Jasmine are sitting alone in the park one night. 一天晚上,丹尼尔和贾斯敏单独坐在公园。
Daniel answered, O king, live forever! 21但以理对王说,愿王万岁。

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