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Third, last year Berlin's state parliament changed its local savings-bank law precisely to allow its Sparkasse to be operated by a private owner.

Third, due to the decline in the value of the dollar over the past two years, the price that Europeans pay for oil has not risen nearly as much as the dollar price of oil. 第三,由于过去两年美元的贬值,欧洲人为石油所支付的价格远没有达到用美元所支付的价格。
Third, electrical signals generated by muscular activity such as blinking are easily confused with actual brain-wave readings. 第三,由肌肉活动产生的瞬间的电信号很容易干扰真实的脑电波信号。
Third, experiments confirm the intuitive truth that people tend to treat you the way you treat them. 第三,试验证实了'你如何待人,人如何待你'这一直观事实。
Third, given the low saving rates of industrial countries and the large share of world savings absorbed by fiscal deficits, accelerating economic growth and higher private investment would raise real interest rates and the cost of servicing public debt. 第三,由于工业国家储蓄利率较低,而且大部分储蓄都被财政赤字所吞噬,加快经济增长、提高私人投资会提高实际利率,增加为公共债务服务的成本。
Third, it can enable us to plan our work for the day. 再次,它使我们可以安排好一天的工作。
Third, last year Berlin's state parliament changed its local savings-bank law precisely to allow its Sparkasse to be operated by a private owner. 其三,去年柏林州议会已经修改了当地储蓄银行法,允许私人经营当地储蓄银行。
Third, make adjusting entries, journalize and post them in ledger accounts. 第3,做调整分录,记入日记帐并过入分类帐。
Third, mandate that there be a full-time Division Chief dedicated to ARFF operations. 第三,法令要求设置飞机救援消防操作的全职主管。
Third, market efficiency is enhanced, for securities lending allows investors to sell securities they do not own and buy them back at maturity, therefore, the shorting mechanism provides investors with a new instrument for investment and risk management. 第三,债券借贷使得投资者可以卖出自己没有的债券,到期再补回,这种做空机制为投资者提供了新的投资盈利模式和风险规避手段,提升了市场的有效性。
Third, market fluctuation maybe lead your company losing clients. 市场波动导致失去客户。
Third, once divorce looms, a wife may want to move to England or America (but should avoid no-alimony states such as Florida); for husbands, staying in continental Europe is wise. 第三,一旦离婚迫在眉睫,女方也许想移居英格兰或者美国(但应避免到佛罗里达之类“无赡养费”的州);此时,男方宜留在欧洲大陆不动。

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