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Avoid eating raw or half-boiled eggs.

Avoid dishonest gain:No price can recompense the pangs of vice. 拒绝不正当的利益,因邪恶所带来的痛苦无法用金钱补尝。
Avoid disputes with family; their complaints can't change anything anyway. 避免和家人争辩,他们的抱怨并不能改变任何事情。
Avoid distracting statements containing excessive abbreviations or acronyms, name-dropping, or controversial words and phrases, colloquialisms, slang, and jargon. 避免使用让人分心语言。这些语言包括过多的缩写词或首字母缩写,显示自己才识的语言,有争议性语言,俗语,俚语以及行话。
Avoid distractions such as gratuitous animations so that the user can focus on the imoprtant things. 避免用户被无意义的事情分散精力,用户就可以关注与重要的事情。
Avoid douching if you are a woman, because it can change the normal balance of organisms in the vagina and increases the risk of getting an STD. 如果你是位女士,避免用水灌洗阴道。因为这可能会破坏阴道内部正常的机体平衡,增加感染性病的几率。
Avoid eating raw or half-boiled eggs. 避免吃生的或半熟的蛋。
Avoid events as interface members. 避免将事件作为接口成员。
Avoid explicit custom version redirection and binding to CLR assemblies. 避免显式地自定义版本改向和绑定到CLR程序集。
Avoid explicitly setting thread priority to control execution. 避免显示地设定控制执行的优先权。
Avoid files with more than 500 lines (excluding machine-generated code). 避免文件长度超过500行(除了机器自动产生的代码)。
Avoid friction with your mate. 巨蟹座:避免和伴侣发生争执。

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