Among thirty strains of the leu diazotroph Enterobacter cloacae E in the rice rhizosphere transformed with the plasmid pMC7A LEU, only one strain E can be complemented with a transformation frequency of ×0 transformants/μg plasmid DNA. |
中文意思: 用pMC7A-LEU转化 0株leu-水稻根际固氮菌阴沟肠杆菌E(EnterobactercloacaeE),其中一株E-能够互补,转化频率为×0 转化子/μg质粒DNA。 |
Among them,epidurel hematoma 9 cases,subdual hematoma cases,in-traeerebral hematoma cases,maltiple intracraninal hematoma cases. Among the total cases of traumatic intracraninal hematoma. The hematoma of this type was found only cases (.%).
报告头伤时无原发昏迷的颅内血肿 例,其中便脑膜外血肿例、硬脑膜下血肿9例、脑内血肿例、多发性颅内血肿 例,占同期外伤性颅内血肿的.%. |
Among them,there were cases of surgical complication. The total rate of complication was 0.8%(/9),the rate was . %(7/ ),%(/),0.%(/89),and 0. %(/ 78) in hysterectomy,myomectomy,adnexal surgery,and others,respectively.
因并发症而需要中转开腹手术者例(0.%),子宫切除术、肌瘤剔除术、附件手术及其他手术的并发症发生率分别为. %(7/ )、.0%(/)、0.0%(/89)及0. %(/ 78)。 |
Among these patients, were misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids( .%),7 as colitis(0%), as dysentery(7.%), as porctopolypus(. %), as enterophthisis(8.%), as intestinal fistula(.7%) and as prostatitis(.9%).
误诊为的疾病中痔疮例( .%),肠炎7例(0%),痢疾例(7.%),直肠息肉例(. %),肠结核 例(8.%),肛瘘例(.7%),前列腺炎例(.9%)。 |
Among these ships, 7 present rat evidence and 0 9 present vermin evidence. The positive rates are .% and .% respectively.
年来共调查的 0艘外国籍船舶中,发现鼠患阳性 7艘,虫患阳性0 9艘,鼠虫患阳性率分别为.%和 .%; |
Among these, TXA released by platelets play an important role in coronary artery spasmus, myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death.
其中血小板特别是血小板释放的TXAZ在冠脉痉挛,心肌缺血,心肌梗死及心脏性狩死中发挥了相当大的作用。 |
Among thirty strains of the leu diazotroph Enterobacter cloacae E in the rice rhizosphere transformed with the plasmid pMC7A LEU, only one strain E can be complemented with a transformation frequency of ×0 transformants/μg plasmid DNA.
用pMC7A-LEU转化 0株leu-水稻根际固氮菌阴沟肠杆菌E(EnterobactercloacaeE),其中一株E-能够互补,转化频率为×0 转化子/μg质粒DNA。 |
Amoxycillin-induced epidermolysis bullosa
阿莫西林致大疱性表皮坏死松解型药疹 |
Amplification and Subcloning of - - Protein(Epsilon Isoform) Gene of Schistosoma Japonicum
日本血吸虫- - 蛋白epsilon亚型基因扩增及表达载体的构建 |
Amplification performed in a Whatman Biometra tgradient AmpGene DNA Thermal Cycler was programmed for min at 9 , cycles of min at 9 , min for -STS or for 0 -SCAR, min at 7 , and a final extention at 7 for0 min after the last cycle.
9℃,min,℃-STS min或0℃-SCAR min,7℃,min, 0个循环; 0min,7℃延伸; |
Amy Gutmann is a famous contemporary political theorist of America. The thought of democratic education that she advanced has made a wide influence.
埃米·古特曼是美国当代著名政治理论家,她提出的民主教育思想影响非常广泛。 |
An Implementation of Web Grabber
一个Web抓取器的实现 |