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Based on present plant gene engineering techniques, some strategies to develop transgenic crops expressing multiple genes by constructing a multigenes expression vector or a number of expression vectors and then making one or more transformations or co-tr 本文探讨了在利用植物基因工程技术的基础上,通过构建多基因或者多个表达载体,进行一次、多次基因转化或共转化方法获得转多价基因作物的一些策略,并进行了展望。
Based on pressing practical experience of EHA4120 double-faced clad plate elliptical head, the type head external surface clad layer crack reason during pressing process were analyzed and discussed, and the head pressing task was fulfilled successfully th 摘要根据EHA4120双面复合板椭圆封头的冲压实际经验,分析探讨了此种封头在压制过程中外表面复合层产生裂纹的原因,通过改进压制工艺,成功地完成了封头的压制任务。
Based on previous experiences, the course of introduction's importance, content plan and teaching methods were introduced and dis cussed in this paper. 本文从绪论课的重要性、绪论课内容编排、有机化学绪论课的教学方法三个方面对有机化学绪论课的教学做了介绍和讨论。
Based on principle of “Honest”, “Quality” and “Service”, we'd like to try our best to serve for you. 我司将本着“诚信”、“质量”、“服务”的宗旨,竭诚为您服务。
Based on problems appears in agricultural environment, suggestions on how to speed up the development of ecological agriculture were made from the aspects of policy tropism, main tasks, environment management, law construction, systematical detection, Sci 根据中国农业生态环境存在的问题,从政策取向、重点任务、生态环境管理、法制建设、监测体系、科技支撑、资金投入等方面提出加快生态农业发展的建议。
Based on production plan and status, notify Sales department about confirmed delivery time and produced quantity. 根据生产计划、进度,通知销售部门订单的实际交货时间、实际交货数量等信息。
Based on project example, The article presents the construction stress computation process of hydraulic creep form in the construction of high bridge pier, the construction stress analysis has applied successfully in the project practice and can be referr 本文基于工程实例,给出了桥梁高墩身施工选用液压自爬模完整的施工受力计算过程,且已成功地应用于工程实践,可供类似特种结构施工参考。
Based on psychological ownership theory in organizational setting, four dimensions of psychological ownership were developed, two of which were technology psychological ownership. 本研究透过专家问卷创建内容效度,并以三组独立样本分别进行探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析,以及效标关连效度的创建。
Based on qualitative analysis and comparison of several options for suppressing transverse vibration on deck type steel plate girder of railway bridge,conclusions are made as follows:with static reinforcing,the vibration amplitude can be suppressed to som 通过对目前抑制铁路上承式钢板梁桥横向振动的几种方案进行定性的分析和比较,认为:静力加固方案可以使桥梁振幅有所减小,但不能避免准共振现象的发生,而且工程造价较高,施工也不方便;两桥连接方案减振效果明显(减振率近50%),比较经济也比较方便,但同样不能避免准共振现象的发生;动力减振方案(MTMD抑振方案)可以有效的抑制桥梁的准共振现象(现场试验中减振率达51.83%),而且工程造价较低,施工简单、方便。
Based on quality and guaranteed by credit , we seek for development relying onin-novation and seek for benefit through dimensional production , and keep exploiting and surpassing ourselves to make variety of our products multiple and in series . 以质量为基础,以诚信做保证,以创新求发展,以规模求效益,不断开拓创新,超越自我,使产品的种类向着多元化,系列化发展。
Based on reading Yi Junqing's Work A humanistic Critical Theory-Review of NewMarxism in Eastern Europe, the authors discuss the relationship between Stalinism and humanistic new Marxism in Eastern Europe in the following aspects: first, the disastrous eff 摘要作者在精读了衣俊卿教授的《人道主义批判理论-东欧新马克思主义述评》后,从如下方面讨论了斯大林主义与东欧人道主义化的新马克思主义的关系:(1)“斯大林化”时代“斯大林主义”的“要害”和“恶果”;(2)斯大林的“国家社会主义”的“全面异化”与东欧新马克思主义对之的“人道主义批判”;(3)东欧新马克思主义的马克思哲学观:马克思哲学是以“实践”为基础的“人道主义哲学”,绝非“辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义”;(4)“回到青年马克思”,为实现“国际人道主义”和“自由人联合体”社会而奋斗。

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