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Through numerical simulations on the composition control for an exothermic chemical reactor system, the comparative evaluation between the proposed control and the nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) are given.

Through my open views inviting &inciting me. 通过我开放的视野邀请及煽动着我。
Through my tour to German and Austrian vocational schools, together with my understanding of the State Council decision on Vocational Education, this paper expounded my enlightenment on the orientation, training for students' practical capabilities and vo 通过对德国和奥地利两国几所职业技术学校的考察,结合对国务院关于职业教育决定的学习,阐述了高职教育在办学定位、学生实践能力和职业技能培养、弹性学制和学分制、职业技术培训、师资队伍建设、产学研结合与校企合作等方面的启示。
Through my undergraduate studies in second language teaching, I developed my interest in pursuing research on the question of how sociocultural factors impact awareness in second language design, implementation, and assessment in a multicultural community 通过我在大学期间对第二语言教学的学习,我更进一步的拓展了我的兴趣对于从事研究这样一个问题:社会与文化的因素如何影响第二语言在那些类似同等的文化团体中的计划,执行和估价。
Through natural selection, weeds have developed efficient mechanisms of root and snoot growth. 通过自然选择,野草获得了根苗生长的有效机制。
Through negotiate with customer, Party A and Party B have agree that postpones three months to complete to deliver goods. 经与客户协商,甲乙双方同意延期三个月完成交货.
Through numerical simulations on the composition control for an exothermic chemical reactor system, the comparative evaluation between the proposed control and the nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) are given. 藉由数値模拟一放热反应器系统内的组成控制,将提出控制方法与非线性模式预测控制做比较性评价。
Through obedience learn to command. 只有学会听命于人,方能学会向人发号施令。
Through observation and study on a folk figure in pursuit of social prestige, this dissertation, in the process of revealing one historic profile of local folk worshiping the sacred site in Beijing, analyses the value and significance of social prestigein 摘要通过对一个民间花会人士追逐社会声望经历的考察,展示了北京民间社会近百年行香走会历史的一个侧面,分析了“社会声望”在中国传统社会的价值和意义及其存在与消亡的社会文化背景,说明了社会对人们主观价值追求的制约。
Through observation of whether the change of household registry can influence the structure of intermarriage, we may get an idea whether the system of household registry in China result in social segregation and differences. 通过对户口及转换限制是否影响通婚结构的考察,可以了解到中国户籍制度是否造成了社会隔离和差别。
Through observation, Mazhaode gradually discovered : they had concerns with the Internet than from the cell phone and mobile communication network consisting of this network unlimited Internet users have more volume, And in his platform of value-added ser 通过观察,马昭德慢慢发现:与自己曾经关注的互联网相比,由手机和移动通讯网络组成的无限互联这张网络有着更多的用户量,而在其平台上的增值服务却有着巨大的市场前景没有得到开发,“那种感觉就犹如发现了一个宝岛,上面有很多金银珠宝等着您带走!”
Through observing the competitions and access relevant information of 20th Winter Olympics in Turin, analysis the relevant information that the competition brings its own comprehensive and objective, learned the overall project developments of the world w 摘要通过观摩第20届都灵冬奥会比赛和查阅相关资料,全面、客观地分析这届比赛本身所带来的相关信息,了解当今世界冬季项目运动的整体发展动态以及我国运动员在本届冬奥会比赛中的优势与不足,探讨中国在冬季项目运动的发展战略和比赛措施等,以期加快我国冬季比赛项目运动的发展,推动冬季项目运动的普及与提高,为今后我国举办冬奥会做好准备。

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