Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.
25你们这假冒为善的文士和法利赛人有祸了。因为你们洗净杯盘的外面,里面却盛满了勒索和放荡。 |
Wolves do have a role to play.
狼群的确发挥了很大的作用. |
Women are saying, 'I'm not ready, I want to work for a while, the guys I hang around with don't make enough money and they don't want a commitment,'Christopher Jencks, a professor of social policy at Harvard said.
「女人说,『我还没准备好,我要先工作一阵子,我正在交往的男友赚的钱不够,他们也不愿被套牢,』」哈佛大学社会系教授詹克斯说。 |
Women feel so guilty when they do something for themselves, but we do need recess from always doing something for someone else.
女性在为自己活着时,总是很有负罪感,可我们也不能总为他人效劳,我们也需要放松和休息. |
Women may say they want a sensitive man but they don't always love one,said Harvey Mansfield, professor of political philosophy at Harvard and author of Manliness.
哈佛大学政治哲学教授暨《男子气慨》作者哈维曼斯菲尔德说:「女性也许会说她们想要多愁善感的男性,但是她们却不总是爱这类型的男性。」 |
Women who seek to be equal to men lack ambition.
“争取跟男人平等的女人真是野心不够。” |
Won t; won t!Michael cried naughtily. Mrs. Darling left the room to get a chocolate for him, and Mr. Darling thought this showed want of firmness.
“我不嘛,不嘛。”迈克尔淘气地喊。达林太太走出房间去给拿了一块巧克力,达林先生认为,这是不坚定的表现。 |
Won't you grow any fruit? No. only rhubarb, God's gift to Scotland and lazy gardeners.
你们这里种水果吗?不种,只种大黄,这是上帝对对苏格兰人和懒人的恩宠。 |
Won\'t everyone stop programming without a monetary incentive?
『会不会因为没有金钱上的诱因而让大家都停止写程式了呢?』 |
Woodword collected the sign factor of the oracle-bone scripture beside, turning into from the first painting of the pictograph is in Chinese eye it is a writing, but in the foreigner eyes it then a draw, get the internationalization cognition thus and mor
“木”字旁采集了甲骨文的符号因素,由最初绘画演变成的象形文字在中国人眼中它是文字,而在外国人眼中它则是一幅画,从而更容易得到国际化认知。 |
Work Experience: Dealing with customers' conflicts that arouse.
工作经历:处理由自己引起的客户纠纷。 |