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According to the plan of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, Shaanxi province began the concentration payment reform of local finance from Nov. 2002 and produced a marked effect.

According to the patient-generated complaints, some strategies to ensure patient education, and intervention to ease the inconvenience of follow-up, might be helpful. 我们相信针对病人所提出的原因,来对应施行的改善方案,如加强卫教及提供一些避免看诊不便的方法是有用的。
According to the petition, occidental culture has been more like storms sweeping through the country rather than mild showers,and cites the prevalence of Christmas celebrations as a typical example. 这份倡议书上写道,“比起柔和的细雨,西方文化席卷中国大陆更像是狂风暴雨。”并引证了圣诞庆祝的盛行作为典型的例子。
According to the philosophy, the basic law by which man must live, in spite of his surface veneer of civilization, is the law of the jungle. 这种哲学认为,人类为生存而依仗的基本原则就是弱肉强食,文明只是一种虚伪的外表。
According to the pie chart, the investors in different enterprises come from 26 countries and regions. 根据图示,不同企业的投资者来自26个国家和地区。
According to the plan of compare price and deduct price ,set up the monthly report, track the payments to suppliers. 4制作多个供应商的比价和降价计划、根据定单制作月报表、督促财务对于供应商的付款情况。
According to the plan of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, Shaanxi province began the concentration payment reform of local finance from Nov. 2002 and produced a marked effect. 摘要按照财政部对地方国库集中支付制度开展的总体部署,陕西从2002年11月开始启动省级国库集中支付改革试点,历经五年时间,改革稳步推进,成效日益显现。
According to the plan of the outer fringe scene, several parks will be built: parks in front of lake (including Pipa lake scene and Entrance park of Zhongshan Gate)、Fraternal Park、Universe scientific Park、Zhongshan Sport Park、North Ethnic Culture Park、Xia 根据外缘景区规划将形成若干新的景观公园:前湖公园(包括琵琶湖景区和中山门入口公园)、博爱园、天地科学园、钟山运动公园、山北民风区、下马坊公园、东入口公园、营盘山公园等。
According to the plan, China will have 230 laws on the books by early next year. 根据该计划,中国将会有下一年初有230多个法律载入名册。
According to the plan, just 4 to 5 hours before the landing forces began to get ashore, the American 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions and the British 6th Airborne Division were to undertake airborne assaults in the areas flanking the landing zone and 10 根据计划,就在登陆部队发起攻击前4至5小时,美国第82、第101空降师和英国第6空降师将率先展开进攻,空降地点在登陆场的两侧、距离海岸线10至15公里处。
According to the plan, mapped out by the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministries of Water Resources and Construction, China hopes to cut water consumption per unit GDP by 20 percent compared with 2005. 根据国家发改委,水利部和建设部制定的这个计划,中国希望与2005年相比每单位GDP减少水消耗百分之20。
According to the plan, the intending shipbuilding scale will reach 5 million DWT annually. 远景最终形成约合500万吨载重吨的海洋装备制造能力。

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