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But in any case, you must truly examine the sensation, letting no detail elude you, and keeping your initial impressions of how the sensations would translate into sound.

But in an interview ahead of the agency's flagship publication, World Energy Outlook, IEA chief economist Fatih Birol said: “We need a decision almost tomorrow if we are going to act before we reach a point of no return in climate and security of supply. 他表示,政界人士需要说服不情愿的选民,让他们相信核电是安全和必要的,同时还要创造有利的投资环境,让投资者进行必要的先期大规模资本支出。
But in an interview with the news agency, Yang said China needed offensive capabilities to deter potential foes. 但接受中新社采访时,杨毅说,中国需要发展进攻性军事能力以震慑潜在的对手。
But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. 至少对于我来说,最好的战胜困难的办法就是,把自己的眼界打开,对更多的东西感兴趣(也就是要博爱),随着时光一点一滴地流走,你的生命将得到升华。
But in an old man who has known joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. 然而老年人已经经历各种欢乐和忧伤,而且成就了他力所能及的一切工作,就他来讲,怕死就有些低贱而卑鄙了。
But in another sense, teachers and students do exist in a partnership of sorts. 这里才进入了作者准备论述的主要内容,即学生和老师应当是伙伴关系,而不该是谁强迫谁做什么。
But in any case, you must truly examine the sensation, letting no detail elude you, and keeping your initial impressions of how the sensations would translate into sound. 但是在任何情况下,你必须真正的体验这些知觉,不要任何细节漏掉,保持你的知觉转化成声音的最初印象。
But in attempting to integrate online teaching, it is best not to be overly ambitious in the beginning. 但是在尝试结合互联网进行教学的初期最好不要急于求成。
But in between is a poorly studied cosmic mesoscale. 在这两者之间的中尺度範围,却一直乏人问津。
But in both ways you do only one thing. 但用两种方式你只做了一件事。
But in brief, what I said to you in the previous interview is still my view. 简短地说,我在先前的采访中对你的回答仍然是我的观点。
But in cancer cells this mechanism has often been genetically disabled or otherwise broken, allowing tumors to proliferate. 但是在癌细胞中,细胞的凋亡机制被破坏,它们冲破了命运的束缚,于是生长不再受到限制,肿瘤也随之产生。

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