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I guess the fellow is up to no good.

I guess that's a compliment. 我猜那是一种称赞。
I guess that's how I attract boys. 我想那就是我吸引男孩子的方法吧。
I guess the Thanksgiving holiday must have been a little strained in the Disney household this year. 我猜想,今年迪斯尼家族的感恩节一定过得不是那么轻松。
I guess the answer would be: enjoy by stages. 我想答案应该是:让每个阶段不同的生活都过得很精彩。
I guess the author of those data built a library by mixing tissues from three sources. As a consequence, it is impossible to only get data for liers. 我不明白为什么选三部分来源呢如果我只想要肝脏的数据,那这部分数据我可以用吗?
I guess the fellow is up to no good. 我猜这个家伙要图谋不轨。
I guess the first thing about speed my readers of the Tremolo-article would be curious about is the one sentence Do not practice speed. 我想第一件关于速度的问题应该是读了我“颤音”这篇文章的读者好奇为什么上面说“不要练习速度”。
I guess the guest's gesture suggested that he could not digest well. 我猜想客人的手势暗示了他消化不良.
I guess the only way we`re going to find out one way or another will be during the close season. 我相信无论如何,我们只有等到夏天休季才会找到真正的答案。
I guess the share price will go up. 我想股价会上涨。
I guess the software is not installed properly. 我猜软件没有装好。

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