The new entertainment focus in Luofushan:Grand Opera House will alsobe available and give you an exciting, energetic and wonderful night.
罗浮山娱乐新焦点:大型演艺中心,也即将开幕,将为您献上一个热力澎湃、乐以忘优的精彩之夜。 |
The new equipment of Zhejiang Henglong VIE Pump Co,. Ltd, with a total investment capital of RMB 4,500,000, was in operation during the first ten days of December.
12月上旬,恒隆万安总投资450万元,从德国引进的定子内曲面磨床设备经调试后投入运行,该设备的运行将使动力转向泵的产量由原先年产30万套增加到年产60万套。图为德国专家正在对新设备进行调试。 |
The new equivalent circuits more correspond to actual fact and are more direct.
这种新型等效电路比传统的等效电路更加符合实际情况,也更加直观。 |
The new era was named the “Warring States” period by Liu Xing, a scholar who lived in the 1st century BC.
战国时代是中国社会逐步向封建社会转型的变革时期,这一时代政治格局的主要特点就是“战国七雄”的存在。 |
The new evaluation says more than half its middle-income borrowers have become more unequal over the decade under review.
新的评估认为,回顾过去的十年,超过一半的中等收入借贷国已经变得更加不平等。 |
The new evidence backed up my argument.
新的证词有助于我的辩论。 |
The new evidence beefed up their case.
有了新的证据,他们的理由更充足了. |
The new explanation on the emotion and desire by the ideologists in the Qing Dynasty indicated that the evolvement of natural-principles was irreversible, and the seed of modem idea was already produced.
清代思想家对情欲的新解表明,天理的流变已经不可逆转,近代思想已经开始萌芽。 |
The new facility has better flow and a bigger capacity than the former joint venture factory which it replaces.
新工厂比原先的合资工厂有更优化的生产流程和更大的生产规模。 |
The new factory is the embodiment of the very latest ideas.
这座新工厂是那些最新设想的体现。 |
The new fad even made a hit among older people too.
这新的流行甚至也受年龄较大的人们欢迎。 |