Graphite is the widest and most quantity materials used in the machine seal parts.
石墨是用焦碳粉和石墨粉或加碳黑做基料,用沥青为粘结剂,经模压成型在高温下烧制而成的。 |
Graphite is used in making lead pencils.
石墨常被用来做成铅笔。 |
Graphite powder for synthetic diamond are available upon request.
可以按照客户要求提供粉末状人造金刚石碳素。 |
Graphs that contain 3-Restricted edge cut are characterized in this paper.
含3限制性边割的图在本文中得到刻划。 |
Graphs trigonometrical functions (which are evaluated by the application) that you enter freeform or select from a pre-populated list.
这是一个图形三角函数,你可以选择一个自由形式或从预生成的列表中选择一个。 |
Grasp all , lose all.
贪多必失。 |
Grasp all, lose all.
什么都想要, 什么都失掉。 |
Grasp control method of activated sludge process, and understand significance of sludge loading, sludge age and DO parameters.
熟悉活性污泥法处理系统的控制方法,理解污泥负荷、污泥龄、溶解氧等控制参数及在实际运行中的作用和意义。 |
Grasp opportunity to creat the future.
抓紧机会,创造未来. |
Grasp strictly the on site operation;further standardize on the spot administration.Solve the present existing problems of unified marks and deficient quantification extent.
狠抓现场运行,进一步规范现场运行标准,分阶段解决目前存在的标志不统一、量化程度不够的问题。 |
Grasp the column between the thumb and forefinger as close to the score point as possible.
用拇指和食指抓住柱,离划痕处越近越好。 |