Of course, this information could be sent over a standard telephone line as well, but giving every vending machine a fixed telephone connection for one call a day is expensive on account of the fixed monthly charge.
当然,这些信息也可以通过电话来发送,但是,给每台贩卖机安装固定电话,并且每天只打一次电话,这样带来的费用是非常高的,因为每个月都有固定的月租费。 |
Of course, this is a universal big-city disease not confined to Paris.
当然这是一种大城市的常见病,并不只是在巴黎才有。 |
Of course, this method creates its own difficulties: the canceling wave also reaches both ears and interferes with the original sounds as well as the cross talk.
当然,这一招还会给自己带来另一个麻烦:用以抵消的波也会传达到两耳,并与漏音一样会干扰原音。 |
Of course, this particular redemption melodrama has room for several elaborate fights, as Huo's self-destructive streak expresses itself through particularly literal means: in one stunning battle, Li and Chen Zhihui lay waste to an elaborate, multi-story
当然,这部特殊的拯救情景剧给几场精心安排的打斗提供了空间,正如霍自身的自损性格通过最直接的方式来表达:在一场令人瞠目结舌的搏斗中,李连杰跟陈智慧就在月夜挑战时候把一栋漂亮的三层酒楼给拆毁了。 |
Of course, this view is erroneous.
当然这个观点是错误的。 |
Of course, those taps were extremely bothersome.
不过,这样的轻敲肯定是极其恼人的了。 |
Of course, traditional Vietnamese food is also widely available here.
当然,传统的越南早点也遍布街头。 |
Of course, walk straight to the end. Then turn left. It's on the corner of the bottom aisle.
当然,直走到底。再左转。它就在尾端走道的角落上。 |
Of course, we can catch the Jazz.
我们肯定能超过爵士。 |
Of course, we can't invite hundreds of people to our lab to do this search—we only have two microscopes!
当然,我们不能邀请几百人到我们的实验室来开展搜索——我们只有两台显微镜! |
Of course, we cannot be too diligent.
当然,我们愈勤勉愈好。 |