Jack Pan: But do you think that people in modern times have less interest in classical art?
潘杰客:你是否认为现代的人们对古典艺术的兴趣减弱了? |
Jack Pan: I am still trying to understand. What does it represent - the little boy with the drum?
潘杰客:我还在努力去理解这个打鼓的小男孩究竟代表什麽。 |
Jack Pan: I have seen the little toy boy with the drum on top of the Louvre.
潘杰客:我在卢浮宫外墙的上面看见一个「打鼓的小男孩」玩偶。 |
Jack Pan: It seems to me that you work in the Louvre seven days a week.
潘杰客:在我看来,你一周七天都在卢浮宫工作。 |
Jack Pan: Put aside the physical changes, what is the impression now different than before?
潘杰客:除了硬件上的差异,现在的卢浮宫和过去有哪些不同? |
Jack Pan: What percentage of the visitors are French?
鲁瓦耶:法国人占百分之35,外国参观者占百分之65。 |
Jack Pan: Who influenced you in your art testy?
潘杰客:你的艺术品味受到谁的影响? |
Jack Pan: Why did you insist upon it being placed there, just there, and not in any other place?
潘杰客:为什麽你坚持把这个作品放在那个位置,而不是其他的什麽地方? |
Jack Skellington: (singing) And on a dark cold night, when the moon is high, he flies into the fog like a vulture in the sky!
杰克:(唱)黑暗寒冷的夜晚,明月高悬,他飞身窜入雾中,恰似一只秃鹰! |
Jack Skellington: (singing)There's children throwing snowballs / instead of throwing heads / they're busy building toys / and absolutely no one's dead!
杰克:(唱)这里的孩子们扔雪球,而不是死人头,他们忙着玩玩具,还都那么有活力! |
Jack Sparrow: And I owe them all money.
杰克·斯派洛:可能是因为我欠他们每一个人钱。 |