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After the war, Berlin continued to write songs for movies and plays.

After the war broke out, the communist Party underground made use of all channels to provide necessary fund, material and cadres for revolutionary bases and New Fourth Army, all of which laid a foundation for CCP's takeover of big cities later. 抗日战争爆发后,地下党利用国共合作和租界提供的公开、合法渠道,扩大了与城市中上阶层的联系,并且通过救亡协会、行业性联谊会、职工补习学校的建立与活动,在店职员阶层中发展了党的组织与力量,为根据地和新四军提供必须的资金、物资和干部,并为中共后来接管大城市奠定了基础。
After the war came the problem of employment. 战后出现了就业问题.
After the war ended, Liu Bei has established its military bloc's regular armed forces, open flies into one of Liu Bei main military military officers. 战争结束后,刘备建立了其军事集团的正规武装力量,张飞成为刘备的主要军事将领之一。
After the war everything cost more: gasoline, buses, hotel accommodations, and musicians' salaries. 战争之后什么都贵了,汽油、汽车、酒店住宿,还有音乐家的薪水.
After the war the child is the last surviving member of the family. 战争过后,这个孩子是这个家唯一活着的人。
After the war, Berlin continued to write songs for movies and plays. 战争结束后,伯林继续为电影和戏剧创作歌曲。
After the war, China, the victimized country in the war, was kept out of the peace talks between Japan and Russia, and could not but accept the fact that the Northeast was divided by Japan and Russia. 战争结束后的日俄和谈中,中国作为战争的最大受害国,却被排斥于和谈之外,最终无奈地接受日俄重新划分东北势力范围的现实。
After the war, a five-year reconstruction campaign by its citizens resulted in today's meticulous r estoration of the Old Town, with its churches, palaces and market-place. 二战之后,华沙人民用长达五年的时间重建家园,他们修建了教堂、宫殿和贸易场所。
After the war, he completed his internship at the hospital for sick children in London, England, leading to a certificate as “A Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons”. 战后,他在英国伦敦的儿童医院完成了实习医师期,领到了“皇家外科医学院会员”的资格证书。
After the war, his friend Kraemer got him a job as an instructor in an Army training school that paid $10,000 a year. 战争结束后,他的朋友克莱默给他找了一个工作,到一个每年付给他一万美元的军事训练学校任教。
After the war, many elves stayed in the Old World and taught the realm of men some of their magic. 在战争之后,许多精灵留在了旧世界向人类的国度传授了一些他们的魔法。

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