Dennis: No, they're all fighting shy of investing in Iraq because of the political instability.
丹尼斯:没有。由于当地政治不稳定,大石油公司都避免投资伊拉克。 |
Denny Roy , “The Sources and Limits of Sino-Japanese Tensions,” Survival , Vol.47, No. 2 (2005), pp. 191-214.
俞新天:《中国应转变对发展中国家的战略》,《战略与管理》2003年第3期,第40-45页。 |
Denote the unattacked or rebuilt villages with 0 and destroyed villages with 1, then the problem is reduced to finding the first 1’s to the left and to the right of some element in a string of 0’s and 1’s.
用0表示没有受到攻击或者已经重建的村庄,用1表示被摧毁的村庄,那么问题就规约为寻找一个01序列中某个元素左边和右边的第一个1。 |
Denotes a list box or drop-down list.
表示一个列表框或者一个下拉框。 |
Denotes one item in a list.
表示列表中的一个项目。 |
Denoting a star that from a given observer's latitude does not go below the horizon.
星体拱极的表明一颗恒星位于不会低于地平线的一个给定观察者的纬度 |
Denoting or relating to the fundamental or constitutional laws and precepts of a government or an organization.
基本的意味着或关于基本的或根本的法律和对政府或组织的印象的 |
Denounced by conservatives as a dangerous revolutionary bandit, he embodied (all the more so as he grew older) a militantly dissident form of democracy— alongside a much less attractive penchant for dictatorship.
他被(当时的)保守派污蔑为一个危险且打着革命旗号的强盗,其中包括(直到他晚年一直背负着这或者更多的名号)民主政体中好战的反对派(等头衔)——且伴随着其对专政的兴味索然。 |
Dense company is acted on it is with the person this principle of choose and employ persons, person with ability of technology of wide accept high quality, government, strengthen management, already expanded the modernization management company that becom
森森公司本着“以人为本”的用人原则,广纳高素质技术、管理人才,加强管理,现已发展成为集设计、开发、生产、销售及售后服务为一体的现代化管理企业。 |
Dense company matchs in domestic steam enjoy in the person of the same trade taller famous degree, already became factory of bridge of one steam group, 2 steam group, Hunan car, Anhui now the Hua Yang, Shan Feihan river, BMW that overlook the lake, Zhejia
森森公司在国内汽配同行中享有较高的知名度,现已成为一汽集团、二汽集团、湖南车桥厂、安徽华阳、陕飞汉江、临海宝马、浙江杭挂、浙江正宇、成都王牌、宝鸡车辆厂、山东时风集团等国内诸多知名汽车生产厂家的合作伙伴,形成了重、中、轻、微型、农用汽车配套格局。 |
Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor.
浓雾笼罩了北部的公路, 能见度很低. |