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Advantages: Binaries are portable to other platforms.

Advantages include better early visual rehabilitation, less astigamtism, less suture time over ECCE, satisfactory results as phacoemulsification without the need of an expensive phaco machine. 而晶核切割术则较晶体乳化术不须昂贵的仪器及所须技术转移期较短,是一种可替代晶体乳化术的小切口白内障手术。
Advantages of four stroke engines: 四冲程引擎的优势:
Advantages of the program written by the spline collocation method are higher accuracy, wider convergent region, less input data and computing time. 用样条配点法编写的程序具有精度高、收敛范围特大、输入的数据和计算时间少的优点。
Advantages of two stroke engines: 两冲程发动机的优点:
Advantages to one-coat stucco include the speed of application allowing completion of the stucco in about one half the time required for a three-coat installation. 单层灰泥的优点包括使用的速度,完成单层灰泥的时间是安装3层灰泥的二分之一.
Advantages: Binaries are portable to other platforms. 优点:二进制码可移植到其他平台。
Advantages: Fast prototyping --if your game fits the motif the tool's made for, you can probably get your game running faster than any other language. 优点:快速原型—如果你的游戏符合工具制作的主旨,你或许能使你的游戏跑得比使用其他语言快。
Advantages: Good for writing small fast programs. Easy to interface with assembly language. Very standardized, so versions on other platforms are similar. 优点:有益于编写小而快的程序。很容易与汇编语言结合。具有很高的标准化,因此其他平台上的各版本非常相似。
Advantages: Healing powers, extra damage vs Undead. 优点:治疗力量,对不死系的额外伤害。
Advantages: Many support spells, healing powers. 优点:许多辅助型魔法,有治疗魔法。
Advantages: Much better than C for organizing large programs. 优点:组织大型程序时比C语言好得多。

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