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Tell your friends why it is important to protect wildlife. Remember that all creatures have a right to live, even the lizard in your room!

Tell you what?Upstair? I suggest the member of BI QIN speak English in this theme!! 告诉什么?楼上的?我建议笔亲成员在这个主题里说英语!
Tell you which place is your friend, like , had better go where, to prepare what thing, he can just satisfy , it is convenient to have brought greatly to person. 告诉你哪些地方是你朋友喜欢的,最好去哪里,要准备什么东西他才会满意,大大给人带来了便利。
Tell your boss you'll be loyal. 告诉你的上司,你将会很忠心。
Tell your doctor if you have taken MAO inhibitors (e.g., furazolidone, linezolid, phenelzine, selegiline, tranylcypromine) within the last two weeks. 在过去两周内,如果您已经服用MAO(单胺氧化酶)抑制药(如呋喃唑酮、利奈唑烷、苯乙肼、司来吉兰、反苯环丙胺),请告诉医生。
Tell your friend, I am going to take my hand off the cardboard. 告诉你的朋友,“我将把我的手从纸板下面拿开。
Tell your friends why it is important to protect wildlife. Remember that all creatures have a right to live, even the lizard in your room! (八)告诉你的朋友们,保护野生动物的重要性。切记每种动物都有生存权利,即使是一只爬进屋里的壁虎,也是一样。
Tell your mother you have arrived here without mishap. 告诉你母亲你已经平平安安到达这里。
Tell your pal how much he/ she means to you. 一朵待放的花蕾…--告诉你你的朋友他对你多么重要。
Tell your plans to your friend. 把你的计划告诉你的朋友。
Tell your students you expect them to enter class quietly and to be ready immediately to follow instructions or begin the task posted on the chalkboard. 告诉你学生你要求他们:『要安静地进教室,并要马上准备好来服从指令,或照黑板上所写的开始作业。』
Tell ‘em to wait a minute, Pitcher. 告诉他们等一会儿,皮邱。

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