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Article 46 Domestic organizations that open foreign exchange bank accounts at home or abroad without authorization and in violation of stipulations on the management of foreign exchange bank accounts; lend, collusively use or transfer their foreign exchan

Article 46 A party that applies for reexamination in accordance with the provisions of Articles 21, 22 and 35 of the Trademark Law and those of Articles 23 and 25 of these Rules shall perform the formalities within the prescribed time limit. 第四十六条依照《商标法》第二十一条、第二十二条、第三十五条和本实施细则第二十三条、第二十五条规定申请复审的,当事人应当在规定的期限内办理。
Article 46 A person who impersonates a lawyer and provides legal services shall be ordered by the public security authorities to cease the illegal practice of law, which shall confiscate his illegal income and may also impose a fine of no more than 5,000 第四十六条冒充律师从事法律服务的,由公安机关责令停止非法执业,没收违法所得,可以并处五千元以下罚款、十五日以下拘留。
Article 46 Aliens who travel to areas closed to aliens without prior permission in contravention of the provisions of Articles 34, 36 and 37 of the present Rules may be served a warning or fined up to 500 yuan (RMB), and those whose offenses are serious m 第四十六条对违反本实施细则第三十四、三十六、三十七条规定,未经批准前往不对外国人开放地区旅行的外国人,可以处警告或者500元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处限期出境。
Article 46 Any responsible person of a mining enterprise who gives command in violation to established regulations and compels workers to carry out operations at risks, thus causing accidents involving serious causalities, shall be investigated for crimin 第四十六条矿山企业主管人员违章指挥、强令工人冒险作业,因而发生重大伤亡事故的,依照刑法第一百一十四条的规定追究刑事责任。
Article 46 Any undue claim shall be deemed as due upon the acceptance of the bankruptcy application. 第四十六条未到期的债权,在破产申请受理时视为到期。
Article 46 Domestic organizations that open foreign exchange bank accounts at home or abroad without authorization and in violation of stipulations on the management of foreign exchange bank accounts; lend, collusively use or transfer their foreign exchan 第四十六条境内机构违反外汇帐户管理规定,擅自在境内、境外开立外汇帐户的,出借、串用、转让外汇帐户的,或者擅自改变外汇帐户使用范围的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,撤销外汇帐户,通报批评,并处5万元以上30万元以下的罚款。
Article 46 For purposes of this Law, the work gunsmeans the various kinds of guns that, with gunpowder or compressed gas as the propelling force and with a barrel for projecting metal bullets or other substances, can readily inflict injury upon people, ca 第四十六条本法所称枪支,是指以火药或者压缩气体等为动力,利用管状器具发射金属弹丸或者其他物质,足以致人伤亡或者丧失知觉的各种枪支。
Article 46 If a State organ or any of its functionaries commits an act infringing upon the rights of a public procurator as provided by Article 9 of this Law, the public procurator shall have the right to make a complaint. 第四十六条对于国家机关及其工作人员侵犯本法第九条规定的检察官权利的行为,检察官有权提出控告。
Article 46 If atmospheric pollution losses result directly from irresistible natural disasters which cannot be averted even after reasonable measures have been promptly taken, the party concerned shall be exempted from liability. 第四十六条完全由于不可抗拒的自然灾害,并经及时采取合理措施,仍然不能避免造成大气污染损失的,免于承担责任。
Article 46 Measures for the implementation of this Law by doctors in the Army shall be formulated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission according to the principles of this Law. 第四十六条军队医师执行本法的实施办法,由国务院、中央军事委员会依据本法的原则制定。
Article 46 No unit or individual is allowed to put up stands or stalls, store things, dump refuse, put up obstructions, dig ditches to divert water, or use roadside ditches to discharge waste matters on highway roads or land used by the roads or carry out 第四十六条任何单位和个人不得在公路上及公路用地范围内摆摊设点、堆放物品、倾倒垃圾、设置障碍、挖沟引水、利用公路边沟排放污物或者进行其他损坏、污染公路和影响公路畅通的活动。

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