Moor, Wilbert. E, Global Sociology: the World as a Singular System, American Journal of Sociology, 1966, Vol. LXXI,No. 5, pp. 475 - 490.
伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦:《现代世界体系》第一卷,龙来寅等译,[北京]高等教育出版社1998年版,第461页,第462页,第463页,第464页,第465页,第466页. |
Moore J, Brooks P, Milliken S, et al. A pilot randomized trial comparing CD34-selected versus unmanipulated hemopoietic stem cell transplantation for severe, refractory RA. Arthritis Rheum 2002,46(9):2301-9.
冷晓梅、赵岩、唐福林等,自体外周血干细胞移植治疗难治性类风湿关节炎一例。中华医学杂志2002,82(11):748-51. |
Moore did not publish it under his name until 1844.
一直到1844年,摩尔才正式署名发表这篇作品。 |
Moore estimates have been produced to date, nearly every one has been built on the “ground level,” directly on the surface of silicon crystals.
半导体工程师完成了一项令人意想不到的成就,就是让微晶片里的电晶体密度加倍成长,这在业界称为「摩尔定律」。 |
Moore herself is a supporter of animal charities. She adopted her dog Ripple last year from the Southport-Oak Island Animal Rescue.
而莫尔自己就是动物慈善事业的支持者。她现在的宠物狗里普尔就是去年从绍斯波特-奥克拯救流浪动物协会领养的。 |
Moore is one of an estimated 15 million-plus Americans seen as devoted followers of dieting guru Dr.
莫尔是营养大师罗伯特·阿特金斯的1500多万美国忠实追随者之一。 |
Moore made his last appearance for the Three Lions in 1973 and retired from football five years later.
摩尔在1973年最后一次为三狮军团出场,五年后正式退役。 |
Moore said the real reason the nest was removed was because residents didn't like the bird droppings or occasional pigeon carcass that would fall to the ground.
摩尔说,拆除鸟巢的真正原因是公寓住户们不喜欢从天而降的鸟粪和偶尔掉到地上的鸽子残骸。 |
Moore's Law of computer power doubling every 18 months or so is now approaching a year.
摩尔定律说:电脑大约每18月可倍增其运算能力;现在则几乎只需一年。 |
Moore's rep didn't have a comment, but Moore certainly isn't being silent about Katrina on his Web site.
摩尔的代表没有对此事发表评论,但是摩尔在他的网站上表示他一定不会对卡特里娜飓风保持缄默。 |
Mooring test of steering gear.
舵机系泊试验。 |